“I understand. In spite of their pranks and boisterousness, I will miss them dearly.”

“As will I.”

Eddy heard the emotion in his voice. Parting with them would be difficult.

Mary stood. “Then let me get them.”

The boys entered a few moments later. Eddy stood. “I’ll let you have some privacy.”

Alone with them now, Rhine said, “I’ll miss you two.”

“We’ll miss you, too,” Christian said. “Will you come and visit us?”

“How about I let you get settled in first.”

“We’re going to be real good,” Micah said.

“No pranks?” Rhine asked.

They shook their heads.

“No lampblack or snakes?”

“No,” they said in unison.

“And you’ll be respectful and do what your new parents ask?”


He opened his arms.

Both boys stepped into the embrace and Rhine placed a solemn kiss on the top of each head. “I’m taking you at your word that you’ll be good.”

“We will,” they whispered, and Christian added, “Thank you for teaching us to fly kites.”

Voice thick with emotion, he replied, “You’re welcome.”

On the ride back to the boardinghouse, both Rhine and Eddy were silent. She looked his way. She knew he was happy about the twins’ new life but also knew it would take time for him to get over his loss.

He finally spoke. “We haven’t discussed this, but do you want to have children?”

“I do. I’d put away that dream when I was back in Denver. Didn’t ever think I’d marry, but thanks to you, I’m dusting it off and shaking it out. What about you?”

“I do.”

“After seeing you with the boys, I believe you’ll be a wonderful father.”

“I’d like to think so even though I’ve never had anyone to emulate. Carson was my owner. Nothing more.” He quieted for a moment as if thinking, then said to her, “Unless my sister has children, ours will be the first freeborn child in my family since my grandmother was brought here in chains. That will make him or her very special.”

“I know. I was born free and my parents often told me how special that made me.”

“And you are.”

The love she saw in his eyes filled her heart. She hooked her arm into his and leaned close. “Then we should get married as soon as possible so we can start working on this special child of ours.”

He placed a kiss on her forehead. “I love you, Eddy.”

“I love you, too, Rhine. And by the way, Sylvie is throwing you a party to welcome you home.”