When he told her story about the bet, she laughed. “Leave it to them to have already figured it out. How do you feel?”

“Okay.” And he did. That they’d guessed but never openly discussed it publicly only cemented in his mind just how special the two were.

“Is she ready to go home? I’m almost done here.”

“Not sure. She and Doc are in my office having a small argument.”

“Lord. Over what?”

“Whether she’s going to marry him or not.”

She went still as a post. “Really?”

“I told them if they need to reserve the Union for the reception to let me know, and then I tiptoed out before the cannonballs started flying.”

She chuckled.

Rhine asked, “Where’s Jim?”

“Took the rubbish to the dump. Said to tell you he’d be back shortly.”

“Then I might have time to undo a few buttons.”

“No, Mr.Incorrigible.”

“I probably don’t have time to treat you to an orgasm, but then again you were quite quick last night.”

“Is that a bad thing?” she asked, her face serious.

“No darlin’. Not at all. In fact it was beautiful. You’ll have more stamina the more we play. Speaking of which, have you considered my proposal?”

“I have.”


“I have one question. Are you expecting me to give up my dreams?”

“Of course not. I don’t want you to change anything about who you are—­except maybe your name.”

“Good, then my answer is yes. I would love to be your wife.”

He smiled and a thought occurred to him. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her away from the sink. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” she asked, trying to keep up with his faster pace.

He opened a door in the wall of the kitchen and hustled her inside. “Storage room.”

He closed the door behind them, and she found herself being so thoroughly kissed, any protests she may have wanted to voice slowly dissolved into pleasure. In the shadowy room with the potatoes, onions, shelved soup pots, and crockery, her buttons were undone and he treated her to a series of touches and heated caresses that made her arch and croon. He paid slow tribute to her breasts until she melted like chocolate in the sun. He then raised her skirt and murmured through the line of kisses he was placing against his throat, “Hold your skirt aside for me...”

She took the yards of fabric in hand, and he plied her so shamelessly and wantonly it didn’t take long for her to explode. “You’re so good at this,” she breathed, her eyes closed. “So good.”

He kissed her and whispered, “Aren’t you glad?”


They took a minute to right her clothing and slipped back into the kitchen. Aching with need, Rhine prayed their wedding night would come soon, because if he didn’t get some relief he was going to be reduced to crawling on his hands and knees in order to get around.

With no baseball games, fund-­raisers, concerts, or anniversary parties to attend, Eddy settled back into a regular routine of cooking for the boarders and the large crowds frequenting the dining room. Rhine was on her mind most of the time, as were his kisses.