“And please don’t force Melody to marry someone she has no feelings for just because you want status.”

Hiram sighed. “All my life I’ve wanted to be more. To be recognized as something other than how I’m defined. Is it so wrong to want that for my daughter?”

“You and Mama love each other. Melody should have a chance at that, as well, not be with a man she has no feelings for simply because he’s wealthy. Why did you even bring him along?”

“He loaned me the money for the train tickets. The hotel where I work is being renovated and will be closed for the next few months. They’re paying me a small portion of my salary until it reopens but it isn’t enough for extras like train tickets. I’ll repay him when I go back to work.”

“Loan or no loan, Vernon proved today he’s not worthy to be her husband, and she doesn’t deserve to be unhappy for the rest of her life.” He wanted to tell him about Spring and her grandfather but had no right to share her painful story without her consent.

“The bigotry was surprising.”

“As was Spring’s restraint.”

His father searched his face. “You love her, don’t you?”

“I do. Probably from the moment she shook me awake and threatened to feed me to a bear if I ruined her new sofa.”

His father stared.

“Long story. I’ll share it with you some other time. How’s the paper? Were the subscribers pleased with the installments about Dr. Lee?”

“They were, but it’s no more.”

Garrett was taken aback. “Why?”

“It was another of the extras I can no longer afford. Do I buy ink or do your mother and I have food on the table?”

He understood. “I’m sorry to hear that. Will you start up again when the hotel opens?”

“I don’t know. We’ll see.”

He knew how much the newspaper meant to him and hoped he’d be able to print it again. “You should go get some rest.”

He nodded and asked, “Is there any chance you’ll change your mind about moving here?”


He sighed with surrender. “Okay. I suppose I’ll have to live with that. And so you’ll know, your mother isn’t keen on me deciding who Melody will marry, either.”

“Good for her.”

His father smiled. “I’m surprised she still loves an old fool like me.”

“Me, too.”

“Watch it. You’re not that grown.”

They laughed and stood.

Hiram viewed him affectionately. “Are you too grown to hug your old father?”


The embrace was as strong as their bond. He was glad they’d had the opportunity to talk and were now moving forward. As they parted, Hiram said, “Convince Miss Lee to marry you, so I can hold a freeborn McCray babe in my arms.”

Garrett wanted that, as well. Freeborn children meant the world to families that had only known enslavement. “I’ll see what I can do.”
