“If you’re to be her rider, I’d like you to assist with her training. Does that scare you?”

“No!” she said, excitedly. “I’d love to help.”

Her eagerness made Spring smile inwardly. “Okay. I’ll be back in a moment.” Spring turned to Ed. “I’ll go get Lady.”

Garrett watched Spring hurry off and turned his attention to the surroundings. He was still caught off guard by the number of people in attendance. There were men throwing horseshoes, people lined up for the food being prepared. Children were playing tag and stickball, and the air was filled with the hoots and hollers of those near the corrals watching the ranch hands being tossed off the backs of angry horses. There was nothing like what he was seeing back home where people gathered for church socials, parades, and wedding celebrations. But as Spring explained, people took their entertainment where they found it.

Ed said, “These kinds of events probably don’t happen in the District.”

“No. We go to the breeder, pick out a mount, and take it home.”

Ed smiled.

“Being here is giving me quite an education.” Garrett met the man’s amused eyes. “I’m a carpenter by trade, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d be real interested in talking to you about the design and construction of your home when you have time. It’s one of the most unique places I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks. I put a lot of work into it. I’m an engineer by trade. Did the design and most of the construction myself.”


“I thought Odell told me you were a lawyer.”

“I am, but not real interested in pursuing it as my life’s work.” Garrett smiled seeing Silas Taylor run past with his dog, Lucky.

“Where’d you train?” Ed asked.

“Howard Law School, and apprenticed with the Colored firm, Whipper, Elliot and Allen.” Garrett asked, “Where’d you train for engineering?”

“A college in Minnesota.”

Garrett found that surprising. “They allow your people to enroll?”

Ed shook his head. “I told them I was a Spaniard.”

His knowing smile made Garrett laugh loudly.“The bamboozling we have to do to live in this country.”

“Amen,” Ed replied.

They shared a look and Ed stuck out his hand. “Glad to finally talk with you.”

Garrett shook. “Same here.”

“So what kind of carpentry do you do?”

“Furniture is my specialty.”

Ed’s surprise was plain. “Really?”

“I put as much heart into my builds as you did your home.”

“There’s a big demand here. Many of the wives of these rich ranchers would love to contract locally as opposed to dealing with places like Boston or San Francisco. You could make a lot of money if you’re good.”

“I am.”

“After Spring and I get these ponies taken care of, you and I need to talk.”

“I’ll be all ears.”

Spring returned riding Lady bareback. “Ed, can you open the gate, please?”