She handed it over and hurried to the barn. He stared down into the glass marble eyes, chuckled at the wonder of the things he’d learned since arriving in Paradise, and carried the goat head into the cabin.

It only took her a short while to mount the thing, and once it was done, they stood back and admired Odell’s handiwork.

She said, “It looks good there, don’t you think?”

“I do.” Admittedly, he’d never considered a stuffed goat’s head as essential to a home’s decor but it seemed perfect for her cabin. “Where’d Odell get it?”

“From me. I found the goat last autumn. Odell’s been working on getting it ready all winter. He likes taxidermy. Even goes to conventions occasionally so he can learn better techniques and talk to folks who love doing these things as much as he does.”

Garrett was finding Odell to be a much more layered person than he’d thought when they first met the morning after the snowstorm.

A knock on the door drew their attention. Spring went to answer it and returned with Ed Prescott. He and Garrett exchanged silent nods of greeting before Ed noticed the goat.

“Odell finished it, I see. It looks fine up there, Spring.”

“I think so, too. What brings you by?”

“Hands brought in some new ponies and one of the mares is particularly ornery. Need your help calming her down.”

“Is she broken yet?”


Garrett listened while they discussed the mare’s size, breed, and how long she’d been in Ed’s corral.

Once they were done, Spring said, “Let me get my gear and I’ll be there shortly.”

“Thanks.” He turned to Garrett. “Good to see you’re healing up, McCray.”


After Ed’s departure, Spring said, “You’re welcome to come along if you want.”

The idea of watching her work piqued his interest. “I’d like that.”

“We may be there a few days, so bring along anything you might need. Ed won’t mind putting you up if we do need to stay. He has plenty of room.”

“You’re sure? I don’t want to impose.”

“You won’t be.”

He had many questions about what taming a horse entailed but didn’t want to delay their leaving.

As if having peeked inside his mind, she asked, “How many questions am I going to be peppered with about this?”

He laughed. “You know me well.”

“I’ve learned a thing or two about you.”

“Like what?”

She moved closer and draped her arms around his waist. Looking up, she said, “You’re a real good kisser.”

“Am I?”

“Another item on that list of things you do well.”

Fueled by how much he adored her, he moved his mouth invitingly against hers. “You did promise me a kiss earlier if I remember correctly.”

“And I always pay my debts.”

As their lips met and her fiery sweetness spread through his blood, he wanted to be indebted to her forever, so as to spend the next three lifetimes kissing her, making love to her, and being awed by her strength and courage. She was passionate, brave, and would hold his heart forever.

After a few more breath-robbing moments, she slowly drew back and looked up, eyes lidded with passion, and said, “We should stop. Otherwise, Ed won’t see us until tomorrow.”

He agreed. In spite of his still-healing condition, the urge to take her into the bedroom and satisfy their mutual desire was strong. Instead, he leaned down to enjoy one last kiss. “I’ll get my things.”