The flapjacks were made special by the addition to the batter of the last of the blackberries she’d frozen for the winter.

“Where did you get the berries?” he asked as they ate at the table.

“I have a few bushes on the far side of the horse barn. The thorns are awful, but they keep Paint from eating them, so they serve a purpose.”

“He’s the Palomino?”

“Yes. I haven’t introduced you yet, have I?”


“Then let’s do that after we’re done here. If the cats are around, you can meet them, too.”

He felt very special being given the opportunity to meet the members of her four-legged family, but the introductions were mixed. The playful Paint kept trying to knock him over. The mares, Sunshine and Lady, showed him a small amount of interest and took dried apples from his hand, but the stallion ignored him.

“He ignores everybody,” Spring told him. “So don’t be offended.” She looked over at him. “Is the walking tiring you out?”

“No. I’m not one hundred percent, but moving around feels okay.”

“We’ll walk slow.”

He appreciated her concern.

The next stop was at the barn to meet the cats. The two older females chose not to make an appearance when called, but he did get to meet the kittens and learn their names.

On their way back to the cabin, Odell drove up in his wagon. Garrett now enjoyed the old trapper’s visits due to the care he’d been shown after the attack. Odell got down and opened the gate on the wagon bed, calling, “Your ram’s ready, Spring!”

Her face lit up and she ran to Odell’s side, leaving a confused Garrett behind. Following her to the wagon, he stopped and stared with more confusion at what Odell handed her. It was a tan-colored head of what looked like a sheep with two large curling horns. “What is that?” he asked.

“A mountain goat!” she happily exclaimed, eyeing the thing as if it were made of gold. “Odell, you did a great job! Thank you!”

“Is it a real animal?” Garrett asked.

“Used to be before I stuffed him,” Odell replied with a smile. “He’s a youngster, though. The big males have horns twice this size. Maybe sometime soon we’ll take you up where you can see a herd for yourself.”

Garrett thought he might enjoy that. It was certainly unlike any goat he’d ever seen.

“I’m going to mount it above my fireplace,” Spring declared proudly.

Garrett had noticed the stuffed animal heads on the wall of the telegraph office, but there hadn’t been anything like this one.

Odell said to her, “Sorry it took me so long.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m just pleased it’s done.”

Odell climbed back up to the wagon. “Got some more deliveries to make.”

Garrett asked, “Any word from my folks?”

He shook his head. “Sorry, no. I’ll let you know when something comes. Promise.”

Garrett swallowed his disappointment. “Thanks.”

With a wave, he was gone.

Spring said, “Going to hang this right now. Will you take it inside while I get some tools?”
