Spring tensed. “Was he involved?”

“Not saying yes, not saying no. But if he was, he wants to tell what he knows secretly.”

Spring remembered Perry. He’d been a friendof Matt’s, but she hadn’t seen him in quite some time. “Does he still live around here?”

“No. Cheyenne.”

That confused her. “Why would he be involved?”

“Because he’s stupid,” he replied, looking and sounding exasperated. “Always has been where Matt’s involved. They were good friends growing up. Still are, according to my brother. He said Matt showed up at the saloon in Long Pine, angry about the fight he’d had with your man. Matt was trying to get someone there to help him teach your man a lesson. Perry being Perry, and drunk at the time, was the only one to volunteer.”

“And now?”

“His wife’s been sick. Real sick. He wants the reward money so he can take her back East to one of the big hospitals. The doctors in Cheyenne say they don’t have the skills to treat her.”

“Why come to me?”

“The woman putting up the reward is your sister-in-law. You know the sheriff real well. Your man didn’t die, so I was hoping you’d see if Perry could come in, point the finger at Matt, and get the reward.”

“And he wants to do this anonymously, because he doesn’t want to testify publicly?” she asked, making sure she understood.

“He’s afraid of Matt.”

“But not of his wife dying if she doesn’t get treated.” It was more statement than question. She also noted Zach hadn’t mentioned Perry expressing any remorse for the shooting.

Behind her, she heard Garrett say, “Your brother will have to testify. Publicly. Before a judge.”

She swung around to see Garrett standing behind the screen door. Her first instinct was to fuss at him for being out of bed. Making a note to do that later, she did introductions instead. “Zach Hammond. Garrett McCray.”

Zach gave a short nod. “Sorry about the shooting.”

“I appreciate that,” Garrett replied. “Your brother needs a good lawyer.”

He sighed. “Not sure how he can pay for one. I certainly can’t.”

Spring said, “I’ll be letting Whit know you came to see me, and that Perry was involved.”

“Understood.” He stared off into the distance for a few moments before saying, “I’ve been rescuing him from dumb mistakes since our parents died when we were young, but this...” His voice trailed off. He looked to Garrett again. “He won’t hang, will he?”

“They didn’t kill me, so probably not.”

Zach nodded as if finding that reassuring.“My brother said Matt had some back-East fella in a suit with him who was egging him on about getting revenge. A lot of talk about your man not having the right to put his hands on a white man, and that Matt owed it to his race to put McCray in his place. No offense,” he said, looking up at Garrett.

“None taken.”

Pretty sure the man in the suit was Jarvis, Spring wasn’t happy.

Zach said, “Okay, I need to get going. Thanks, McCray. You, too, Spring. I’ll talk to Perry and see if I can get him to do what’s right. His wife will probably die if he doesn’t.”

He touched his hat in parting and walked back to his horse.

Spring rose to her feet and said to Garrett, “Finally, some solid evidence.”

Garrett nodded as she stepped inside.

“I want to fuss at you for getting out of bed,” she said.

“I know, but I heard you talking, and being a nosy reporter, I wanted to know who it was.”