She gave him a quick rundown of the events, adding, “And Banker Cale was hopping mad having his integrity questioned.”

“What do you think will happen next?”

“I have no idea. I do know that Randolph Nelson isn’t going to be bullied by a big-city charlatan who thinks we’re a bunch of ignorant small-town rubes. Nelson’s wife, Audrey, has ties to people in the territorial government and they might be helpful getting this resolved. Jarvis should probably take Nelson’s advice and leave town.”

“He’s probably not smart enough to do that.”

“No. He seems hell-bent on getting his way.”

“Are you worried about the lawsuit he’s threatening?”

“I’d be naive to say no, but Odell and the others are certain his case won’t hold water, so I’m choosing to believe them—at least for now.” If she lost her land she wasn’t sure what she’d do. More than likely, Odell and Ben would allow her to carve out a small piece from their extensive holdings, but she didn’t want to start over someplace else. She’d worked hard to be able to afford the place she now called home, and after a decade of ownership, her roots ran deep.

“As a lawyer, I agree with Odell. If the bankowned the land, Cale had every right to sell it as he saw fit.”

“Jarvis disagrees. I have to wonder how long he’s known Matt to have put such faith in his side of the story.”

“Sounds to me like there’s some things we aren’t being told.”

“Wish we knew what it was so we could send the lot of them packing.”

“The truth always rises.”

“I’m hoping you’re right. In the meantime, I’m hungry. Do you want a sandwich?”

“A few kisses would be better.”

Amused by that, she said, “I thought you didn’t want to get riled up?”

“I’m willing to risk a little commotion. It’s helping me heal.”

She laughed softly. “So kisses are medicinal?”

“Yours are.”

Leaning close, she brushed her lips over his. “I wish I could give you more...”

The kiss was gentle at first, a short whispery reacquaintance that soon bloomed into the desire that had been left to simmer since his attack. They knew there’d be no full expression of their mutual passion, but she savored the tastes of him, the slide of her tongue against the parted corner of his mouth and the heatthat slowly rose in her blood. He moved a bent finger teasingly over her nipple, reminding her how much she loved his touch and she murmured, “You really need to hurry up and get well, McCray.”

“Open your shirt for me...”

Spurred by his tone and the intensity in his eyes, she moved closer to give him access. The slow licks and seductive tugs that followed made her melt and moan softly in pleasure-filled response. Reaching down, she found his hardness hidden beneath the blankets and once again sought his lips. Her hand played, he groaned. He raised his hips for more. Pain instantly tightened his face and his frame. “Too much,” he panted.

She stopped. Feeling terrible, she laid her cheek against his brow and felt the slight sheen of perspiration on his skin. “I’m sorry.”

“You’ve nothing to apologize for,” he ground out, distress still evident. “Probably should’ve had the sandwich instead.”

Concerned, she caressed his stubble-shrouded cheek. “No more kiss medicine for you.”

He gave her a mock pout. “I suppose.”

Once his breathing lost its harshness and slowed, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll get your sandwich and make you some tea.”

When she returned, Garrett used his left hand to take the small plate from her and set it on his lap.

“Better?” she asked, setting the steaming tea on the nightstand.

Seeing that she hadn’t done up all the buttons on her shirt, giving him a partially veiled view of her small breasts, his smile was rueful. “I won’t be better until I can show you how much I miss sharing a bed.” He was pleased that she’d brought her food in, too, though. He missed her company as much as he did making love to her.