“He said he was going to see Regan to set up a time to interview her, but I don’t know if he did. I’m going to stop by there on my way home. I’ll ask her.”

“That would be helpful.”

She glanced around the area again. They’d found nothing. “I wonder if whoever shot McCray had been keeping an eye on my place, hoping to catch him alone.”

“That’s a possibility.”

“So had I been with him they might have shot me, too?”


She wanted answers, but there were none, so they mounted up.

“I’ll be back in town later,” she said to him. “I’ll let you know what Regan says.”

“Okay, thanks.” He paused for a moment, and said quietly, “Spring?”

She took in the serious set of his face.

He continued, “Sorry for yelling at you the way I did back there. I’ve known you most of your life and feel you’re as much my little sister as Colt’s.”

“I know. Sometimes I need to be yelled at, so no apologies needed.”

He nodded. “Be careful going home.”

“I will.”

They parted ways.

Regan was appalled to hear about Garrett’s shooting and agreed with Spring on Ketchum’s probable involvement. “From what you’ve told me, McCray hasn’t crossed anyone here but Ketchum,” she said. “I hope Whit finds what’s needed to place him before a judge.”

“So do I. When Garrett left my place this morning, he planned to stop by here to set up an interview. Did he do that? He was shot not too far from here. Did you hear any shooting?”

Regan shook her head. “He didn’t come by and I didn’t hear any gunfire.” She eyed Spring and asked, “And how are you feeling?”

“Angry enough to go after Ketchum myself, but Whit reminded me that it’s his job. He said I’d hang if I take matters into my own hands.”

“And that would break my heart.”

“He said that, too. Now that I’ve cooled off I know he’s right, but I still want to send Matt to hell.”

“Has McCray’s family been notified?”

“Colt’s going to handle that. Not sure how he’ll word it without scaring them to death.”

“True, but this isn’t the first time he’s had to present bad news to a patient’s family. I’m sure he knows what to say.”

Spring agreed. She couldn’t rid her mind of Garrett lying so still, but held on to Colt’s assurance that he would recover.

“If it will help, I can put up a reward for information that leads to an arrest.”

“That would be very helpful.”

“And I think it should be a significant enough amount that anyone who may have been an accomplice will be seriously tempted to come forward. How about ten dollars gold?”

“I like the way you think.”

“Let Whit know so he can have the posters put up as soon as he’s able.”