“You’ve nothing to apologize for.”

“He can be rude as a bear just out of hibernation.”

“I understand.”

Odell sighed and left Garrett to his work.

At the end of the day an exhausted Garrett rode back to town with Odell. He was pleased to have contributed to the effort, and glad to have met a few more people. Ben Lee was still on his mind, however.

“Is Mr. Lee always so cheery?”

Odell chuckled. “You’d think he was raised by wolverines the way he acts. Sorry again for his rudeness.”

“Is the rudeness why Spring speaks so poorly of him?”

“Partially. Has she told you what happened between them?”

“Just that she refused to marry his choice of a husband.”

“Can’t blame her. Ben wanted to give her away because he was tired of looking after her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Spring’s father, Lewis, died during the war and his wife, Isabelle, joined him in death a few years after the Surrender. Ben was the only family the children had left. After Colt went off to Howard, Ben had had enough of child raising and decided to marry Spring off so he could head back to the mountain, but Spring wanted no parts of the plan.”

“Did you know the man?”

“Yes. Cyrus Russell. He was old as Ben and I back then, and frankly, was just looking for a young woman to warm his bed.”

Garrett thought about his sister Melody. Even though they had different fathers, his father, Hiram, loved her and even though he’d been trying to arrange a marriage for her for years, he’d never palm her off to a terrible man. “Ben didn’t see Spring’s side?”

“No. He had his mind made up. He refused to let her live in the house alone. Told her it wasn’t proper. She asked to go East to be with Colt. He said there was no money. Which was a lie, of course. In the end he demanded she marry Russell or leave, and so she did.”

Garrett couldn’t imagine how hurt she must have been.

Odell continued, “She stayed with me for a while. I offered her a home for as long as shewanted but the girl has a lot of pride. I didn’t know she’d signed on with Ketchum until the day after he gave her the job. I was furious with Ben. He and I fell out for months after that. And he had the nerve to be mad when she started running wild.”

“And Spring is still angry.”

“And hurt. She left the home she’d been born in with nothing but the clothes on her back. I loved Ben like a brother. Still do. But I’ll never forgive him for what he did to my godchild. Never.”

Garrett now had more pieces to Spring’s puzzle and thought he understood her a bit better. He admittedly didn’t like Ben Lee. He was the root cause of her being publicly called a whore by wastrels like Matt Ketchum.

When they reached town, Odell stopped the wagon in front of the boardinghouse. “Thanks for your help,” Odell said to him.

“You’re welcome.” Garrett had already agreed to rejoin the crew the next day. “See you in the morning.”

“If there’s a wire waiting for you from your folks, I’ll bring it over.”

Garrett gave him a nod and went inside.

The next day, Garrett once again volunteered his help with Porter James’s mill. Ben Lee didn’tmake an appearance and Garrett didn’t mind. Thanks to the story Odell shared, Garrett didn’t care if their paths ever crossed again. At the end of the workday Mr. James thanked everyone and announced plans to travel to Denver for the christening of his new grandson. The remaining work on the mill would resume when he returned.

That evening, Garrett received a wire from his father saying the family was happy he’d arrived safely, and all was well at home. Smiling, he went to bed and slept well.