But just sitting up made him break out in a sweat.

“You okay?”

“Let me catch my breath a minute here.” Having to admit he had about as much strength as a newborn sparrow played havoc with his manly pride, especially in front of the woman he cared so much for.

She placed a hand on his forehead. “No fever.”

“Good. Hate being laid low this way.”

“Understandable, but nothing to be done but bear it for now.”

“A man doesn’t like looking weak in front of his partner.”

“It’s not like you planned this, McCray. You didn’t shoot yourself in the back.”


To his surprise, she leaned in and kissed him, leaving him dazzled and breathless in a different sort of way.

“Are you ready for this soup now?”

Wanting more than food, he returned the kiss, hoping it conveyed how much more nourishing he found her to be. When he’d gotten his fill, he reluctantly eased away. “Now I am.”

She stroked the stubble that had grown out on his cheek. “Parts of you might be injured but your lips work just fine.”

“Good to know.”

Due to his bandaged shoulder and the wounds beneath, he remained unable to lift his right arm to feed himself. He’d been able to use his left hand for solid foods like eggs and bacon, but soup needed a preciseness his left hand couldn’t manage.

Seated on the edge of the mattress, she spooned up a bit of the soup and raised it to him. “Here.”

He couldn’t decide whether he enjoyed being fed or not. On the one hand, he enjoyed her nearness and being fussed over, but on the other hand, he felt like a weak child.

She spooned up more. “Never fed a man before. Being around you is one new experience after another.”

He’d missed her humor, too.

“What’s going to be next?”

“Something much more substantial once I’m able to walk and talk at the same time,” he quipped.

“I’m looking forward to your substantial attention.”

His body was warming to the wordplay in a way that couldn’t be satisfied in his present condition. “How about we talk about something else? I’m in no shape to be riled up.”

She gave him a mock pout. “You’re no fun,but okay. What would you rather we talked about?”

“Tell me what I’ve missed.”

She began with the burning of Mr. James’s mill. Hearing that the fire appeared to have been deliberately set left Garrett angry and concerned. “I’m glad he wasn’t hurt. Was this Jarvis’s doing?”

“Odell and I wondered the same thing.” She then informed him of the meeting Jarvis was having.

Garrett asked, “Are you going to attend?”

“No. I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

“I can tend myself, Spring. It’s not like you’ll be gone overnight.”