Garrett held his gaze.

Lee paused then looked away. “She’s not, but once you’re back East you probably won’t give her a second thought.”

“And that’s where you’re wrong. If I could stay I would, because I’d like to be in her life for a very long time.”

Lee showed surprise.

“I’m being truthful. She might not have me, but it wouldn’t be because I didn’t try. Spring’s one of the most fascinating women I’ve ever met, and it will be a long time before I forget her—if ever.”

Lee scanned his face. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Very much so. She’s not someone I’m usingas a convenient amusement. Do you know about the altercation I had with Matt Ketchum at the Cales’ house last night?”

“No. What happened?”

Garrett shared the details and Lee’s face tightened. “Nasty bastard.”

Garrett agreed.

“Thanks for standing up for her.”

“You’re welcome. As I told her, I didn’t want her to mess up her fancy dress.”

Lee showed a small smile. “If she’d’ve been of a mind to retaliate that gown would’ve been the last thing on her mind. Whit said she drew her Colt on Ketchum while I was up at Rock Springs.”

“She did.”

Lee looked up from the road. “You were there?”

“I was. My first thought was to help, but she didn’t need it. Her Colt stopped Ketchum cold.”

“And yet, you’re still smitten with her?”

“I hear your wife shot you the first time you met. Yet, you married her.”

Lee chuckled, “Touché.” Lee studied him for a silent moment more as if reevaluating his former assessment of Garrett. “I’m glad we talked.”

“So am I.”

“I can say with authority that pursuing my sister is going to be akin to wrestling the wind.”

“I sense that.”

“So you’ll be returning?”

“More than likely. I have some things to tie up at home first.” He’d answered without thought but it felt right.

“If you decide being here is not for you and decide to return home, she’ll never leave the Territory to live back East.”

“I wouldn’t ask her to. I don’t want to cage her—just to be with her on whatever terms she chooses.” And it could be two weeks, two months, or two years. Of course, she’d probably feed him to a bear were he to confess this to her. When they met initially, he’d wanted to know all about her and that hadn’t changed. There were parts of herself hidden beneath her toughness he was certain she’d never shared, and he wanted to earn the opportunity to be trusted with them.

“I wish you luck, then.”

“Much appreciated. I’ll probably need it.” And he would.

Colt dropped Garrett off at the boardinghouse. He’d had a bath earlier at Spring’s, soafter exchanging his suit for a clean shirt and trousers, he threw an extra fresh shirt and his shaving kit into his saddle bag and left the room. He saw Dovie in the hall.

“Oh, there you are. When you didn’t come back after the party, I was worried something had happened to you.”