Chapter Four

Garrett’s first thought upon arriving in Paradise was how small it was. As he rode beside Spring down the main street, he took in the businesses and shops: Miller’s Grocer, the medical office of Dr. Lee, the sheriff’s office, and Beck’s Undertaking. A few men on the walks in front of the grocer’s called hello to Spring, and asked, “That the newspaper fella?”

“It is.”

“Heard he was being chased by a bear when you found him.”

Garrett’s jaw dropped.A bear?

She smiled. “There was no bear.”

Someone yelled, “He going to let other people be in his newspaper story?”

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

Garrett was amazed that they already knewabout him. He supposed small-town folks had nothing better to do than share gossip—true or not.

“Is there a telegraph office?” he asked Spring. “I want to let my family know I arrived safely.”

“Yes. Odell runs it. It’s across the street from the boardinghouse.”

Garrett still wasn’t sure how he felt about being tested by the old man, but having passed it, he supposed he shouldn’t hold a grudge.

She stopped at the far end of the street in front of a simple house whose green paint looked new. “This is the boardinghouse. Regan owns it but Dovie Denby runs it. She also has her seamstress shop inside.”

They stepped up onto the porch and before she could reach for the latch to open the door, he reached for it first.

“What’re you doing?” she asked.

“Getting the door.”

“Being a gentleman again?”


“I can open the door for myself, McCray.”

“I know that.”

“Then step aside.”

“Remember the talk we had about respect?”

“Remember what I said in response?”

A female voice interrupted them. “For heaven’ssake, Spring. Let the man open the door. Nobody else around here has balls enough to try and treat you like a lady.”

Garrett turned to see a red-haired woman dressed in an elegant green day gown. She was standing at the base of the steps with a small group of curious onlookers that included Odell.

Spring groused, “Go away, Glenda, and take Odell and his checkers partners with you.”

Garrett had no idea who the woman was, but that was quickly remedied. Ignoring Spring, she walked up and stuck out a hand encased in a green glove that matched her dress. “I’m Glenda Cale. My husband, Arnold, owns the bank and is the former mayor.”

“Garrett McCray.”

“If you’re thinking about courting our Spring, know that she’s going to ride you hard and put you up wet, but she’s worth every argument the two of you are going to have. Welcome to Paradise.”

“Glenda,” Spring snarled warningly. She then turned on the men. “Odell, don’t you have someplace else to be?”