Page 65 of A Rogue to Remember

He pushed deeper, and deeper still.

“Alec.” At the thread of surrender in her gasp, Alec pressed a heavy palm against the mirror, already breathless. There would be a very obvious handprint to clean later, but he couldn’t think on that now. God, he really hadn’t exaggerated how good she felt. He could have never even imagined experiencing such perfection. Lottie let out a low, dazed laugh and hugged him closer because apparently he said that bit aloud. Alec gave a shake then slowly began to roll his hips in controlled upward thrusts, as gently as he could manage. Despite her enthusiasm, she was still new to the act, and he didn’t want to hurt her more than he already had. But then the little minx started to push backagainsthim, and the sensation was shattering.

“Oh fuck, Lottie,” he babbled. “You can’t do that. I won’t last.” But he was already thrusting harder, unable to control his desire for her.

“I don’t care,” she gasped and continued to writhe against him, using his body for her own pleasure. He moved his hand between their rolling hips to swirl her slickness against the hot bud of her sex, and she instantly clenched around him.

“Oh, God,” she whimpered.

Alec leaned over by her ear. “Look,” he growled as he took her chin and turned her toward the mirror. “See what you do to me?” He pressed his cheek against hers, barely recognizing the man reflected back at him. He shouldn’t reveal such hungry lust, such blatant need. And yet he lacked the will to stop. Their eyes met in the reflection for a few heated moments before Lottie gazed up at him in bewilderment. As if she couldn’t believe the erotic tableau before her. Alec then took that lovely mouth in a hard kiss and wrenched himself from her, no longer able to hold off his own release.

He pumped for what felt like an eternity. As if every desire he ever had for her was bursting from him now.

But that was impossible. Alec would never stop wanting her.

When he had finally finished, he sank against her welcoming body and pressed kisses into the curve of her neck, along her collarbone, and against the hollow below her throat. He couldn’t stop touching her, reveling in her, tasting her. He needed to take whatever he could now.

She let out a squeak of laughter and shifted in his arms. “Your beard tickles. Does it always grow so quickly?”

Alec smiled against her skin. “I’m afraid so.” He wanted his life to be filled with moments like this—her taste on his lips, his seed on her thighs, and her laughter in his ears.

She was giving him a dreamy smile while her fingers played in his hair. But her eyes were edged with sadness. He ignored the uneasiness prickling inside him and moved to place more kisses along her bare shoulder where her wrapper and nightgown had slipped a little. Soon he was sucking at the sensitive place where her neck met her shoulder. Lottie let out a delicious little moan, then pulled back. “Notagain,” she said with a short laugh. “Rafe said you’re to meet him at ten.”

Alec froze. “How do you know that?”

“He came here early this morning asking about last night,” she said absently, still moving her fingers through his hair. “Actually, he was under the impression that I was your mistress.”

Something deep and dark rumbled inside him. Alec stilled her hand. “What?”

This time she noticed his displeasure. “Only for a bit!” she added. “But he was still very angry. He thought I was working for someone and trying to sabotage you. He even threatened to have me imprisoned. So I had to tell him who I was. Then he understood. But that was all right, wasn’t it?”

The way she made it sound, as if it was only a little mix-up, made him even angrier. But this time he was mad only at himself.

Alec stared at her and tried to control his breathing. “Tell me he didn’t touch you,” he growled.

Lottie’s eyes widened at his tone. “No. He didn’t. But he…” Her fingers twisted in her lap.

“Tell me, Lottie,” he urged.

“I was frightened, is all.”

“You should have woken me immediately. I could have dealt with him.”

Rafe’s interrogation skills were legendary. Alec had seen grown men weep after only a few minutes with him. Being frightened was the bare minimum of what Rafe was capable of.

“No, it was all fine. He apologized, and we talked for a little while. Then he left.”

An ugly suspicion suddenly came over Alec. He hated it. Hated himself. But he couldn’t seem to control it. “What did you talk about?”

“Nothing,” she answered too quickly, then caught her mistake. “Venice. My plans.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Rafe must have been riveted.”

“I—I don’t know what you mean.”

Alec shrugged. “He doesn’t usually bother with idle conversation where work is concerned. Though I suppose he makes exceptions for beautiful women.” He grazed his fingertips along her hip. “Not that I blame him.”

Lottie shivered at the touch. Alec then dragged his hand upward to lazily stroke the valley between her breasts. Her nipples hardened, and those rosy tips were just visible beneath the gauzy nightgown.