Page 27 of A Rogue to Remember

The light splashing was now accompanied by the steady sound of scrubbing as Alec soaped his body. An image of tanned, soap-lathered skin flashed through her mind. Lottie shook her head and continued to focus on the lyrics.

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical—

Lottie had nearly gotten through the entire song while Alec hummed and scrubbed and rinsed until she thought she might go mad. Finally, blessed silence returned and Lottie let out a little sigh of relief. But it was only for a moment.

Then the sloshing grew to a furious crescendo as Alec rose. Before she even knew what she was doing, Lottie turned around. Like the screen in her room the night before, Alec’s shadow was clearly visible; Lottie was spared the most intimate details, but there was still plenty to see. Alec’s usually wavy hair now hung in wet ringlets around his head, and the curved lines of his arms were exposed as he reached back to scratch his neck. Water cascaded down his body as he bent over to grab a towel off the chair and wrapped it around his trim waist. As Alec stepped out from behind the screen, the sight of his bare chest was so riveting that Lottie failed to turn around in time. Alec glanced over and immediately froze. He caught her full on gawking. With her mouth hanging open.

Alec had always appreciated the female gaze. Watching a woman admire his appearance was, in his opinion, an underrated pleasure. Vastly more erotic than having someone submit to his own desires. But when he stepped out from behind the screen and found Lottie staring at him with such obvious lust, it felt like a torture designed by a particularly vengeful god: being wanted by the one woman he could never have.

Alec had gone days without sleeping or eating. Had marched for miles through oppressive, unbearable heat with only the hope of water. Had played (and won) an eight-hour game of poker against two men with separate orders to kill him afterward.

But he was not strong enough for this.

Her pale blue confection, with its well-placed bows and lacy undergown, was a far cry from the sensible skirts and blouses she had worn the previous two days. It was just the right combination of sweet and sensual; the overrobe gave the appearance of demure innocence while the open front still called attention to those delicate curves that lay beneath only a few flimsy layers. For once, Alec had been grateful for a tepid bath.

Now his scalp tingled with the kind of predatory awareness big cats must feel when they spot a tasty gazelle. A fleeting look, a suggestive remark, or an accidental touch was one thing, but Alec had not prepared to be outrightogledby her.

Lottie’s cheeks turned an impressive shade of crimson while they stared at each other, and after the longest moment of his life, she finally turned away. “Oh, goodness. I’m sorry!” She buried her face in her hands.

Alec took a step toward her before remembering he wore absolutely nothing besides a towel. “Hold on.” He let out an irritated huff and quickly retrieved a clean shirt from his bag. Alec moved back behind the screen, though it was doubtful even Lottie would be bold enough to turn around for another eyeful now, and dressed with a speed usually reserved for life or death situations. He had absolutely no idea what to say.

Your conduct must be as gentlemanly as possible. Atalltimes.

He had assured Lottie it would not be a problem, but apparently it was not his own conduct he needed to worry about. His skin was still damp from the bath, but the very thought of those plump lips parting for him once again, of her velvety tongue boldly tangling with his own, made him hot everywhere. Alec pressed a hard hand against the front of his trousers. At the moment the only thing stopping him from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her to bed was that second condition. But one word of encouragement from her and he would tear that bloody dress off with his teeth.

Even if she is attracted to you, it won’t last.

He might as well have leapt back into the tub. Lottie might have been openly admiring his figure, but that didn’t change anything between them. Though he could concede that she might have had feelings for him that went beyond friendship before he left, she had made it abundantly clear over the previous day that she didn’t trust him and hadn’t denied that a man was involved in her flight from Florence. She might have even purchased that very dress withhimin mind. Even as Alec acknowledged the fellow had excellent taste, his stomach twisted with a strange mixture of jealousy and sympathy. He was quite familiar with using pleasure as a distraction from heartache.

And how poorly it worked.

He didn’t want that for Lottie. No doubt her interest was merely due to the novelty of their situation, and it would fade with a little more time. So time was what he would give her. Alec took a deep breath and gave himself a shake before he emerged from behind the screen, now fully dressed. Lottie hadn’t moved an inch. Her face was still buried in her hands. Alec took the seat opposite her. Better not to talk about it. To act like it was nothing. Because itwasnothing. And, in the meantime, dinner still needed to be eaten.

After a few moments, she looked up. “Wh-what are you doing?” Her complexion had begun to return to its normal color, as bewilderment replaced embarrassment.

Alec shrugged and took another bite, praying this strategy would work. “I’m starving. Are you going to eat that?” He pointed to her remaining piece of chicken with his knife.

Lottie stared at her plate and then back to him. “Oh. No, you can have it.”

Alec reached over and speared it with his fork. As she continued to watch him eat, the tension slowly eased from her shoulders. He finished and sat back in his chair, taking care to meet her eyes with an open, friendly expression. Perhaps that was all it would take. It had to.

But then Lottie began to frown. “Al—”

“It’s fine,” he said quickly. Dear God, he couldn’t listen to his name on her lips yetagain. “You don’t need to explain. Everyone is curious now and again.”

Her frown deepened. “Curious?”

Alec tried to ignore the incredulous note in her voice with an encouraging nod even while he wondered what, exactly, she had done with this mysterious suitor of hers. He could practically see the questions hovering on her lips, and the longing in her eyes that betrayed a deep ache that could only be soothed by intense, physical pleasure. At some point during her silence, Alec’s hands had found their way to the edge of the chair and he dug in hard, waiting for her answer. If she pushed him right now, even a little, he wasn’t sure he had the will to deny her. And then there would be hell to pay for them both.

Then, finally, thankfully, Lottie blinked and nodded. “Yes. Right.” She rose to clear their dishes.

Alec released a long breath and relaxed his grip, but it would be another few seconds before he could stand. After Lottie had stacked their plates on the tray, she glanced toward him. “I think I’ll retire now. It’s been a long day.”

“Very good.” He remained seated and ran through the plans for tomorrow in his head, but all the while he listened to the sounds of her washing up and changing. It was soothing to hear someone go about their evening routine, and his heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

After a few minutes, she appeared from behind the screen, now wearing her nightgown and an ice-blue silk wrapper. It was a good deal plainer than her tea gown, but the lack of accoutrements meant there was little to distract the eye from her figure. He resumed his iron grip on the chair, but Lottie paid him no mind while she rummaged through her carpet bag and pulled out a book.