Page 39 of A Rogue to Remember

“I think it’s best if we adhere to my conditions from now on.”

“Of course. My apologies. I got carried away.” But this time she offered no forgiveness, only continued to smooth phantom wrinkles from her hat brim.

Alec gritted his teeth against her clipped tone as he scrubbed a hand over his face. “We need to leave as soon as the train stops. I met someone in the dining car earlier, and he can’t see us together. I would have mentioned it sooner if we had been alone.”

She gave him a curious look, but only nodded. There was no sign of tears now. The tension that had originally driven him from the compartment filled the small space once again and brought Alec to his feet.

Lottie paused in her fiddling. “Are you all right?”

“I’m perfectly fine,” he snapped. “Just hurry up, will you?”

She let out an irritated breath as she began to pin the hat onto her head. “The train hasn’t evenstoppedyet. What do you intend us to do, leap onto the platform?”

Alec pulled aside the compartment’s curtains ever so slightly and glanced into the hallway. “Something like that.” Hopefully the signore was still in the dining car finishing the rest of the bottle Alec had left behind.

Lottie rolled her eyes and stood. Alec followed the movement of her white-gloved hands as she smoothed the front and sides of her skirt. Cardinelli was right about the way she looked in that gown. She glanced up and caught him staring. Her eyes darkened, but her mouth remained hard. “Well, then. Lead the way, Professor.”

Alec tucked her arm into the curve of his elbow against her disapproving frown and drew her out into the hallway. “My pleasure, Mrs. Gresham.”

Lord, that felt far too good.

They waited by the exit so they could be first to depart. Alec focused on the growing crowd. Luckily there was no sign of Signore Cardinelli. As soon as the exit door was opened and the stairs brought over, Alec stepped out and handed her down. The exodus from the second- and third-class trains nipped at their heels, but Alec knew this station like the back of his hand. He pulled Lottie along through the pulsing crowd of vendors and visitors.

“Wait! What about our bags?” She shortened her steps to keep up with his long strides.

“I already took care of it. They’ll be delivered to my flat.” Alec couldn’t slow down. He wouldn’t feel better until they were safely in his home and she had changed out of that damned dress. Preferably into something as alluring as a nun’s habit.

As if that would matter.

“Oh, could we take a gondola?” she asked as they exited the station, her voice laced with excitement. He glanced down at her; their arms were still entwined, and her face turned up to his, so beautiful, so full of hope. To any casual observer they probably did look like a newly married couple. His chest ached even more than it had in the train cabin. How easy it was to pretend with her.

Their pace slowed to nearly a crawl as the crowds swelled around them. Alec drew a little closer to her, and Lottie didn’t protest. Her lips parted, but she simply gazed into his face, so he continued until the curve of her hip pressed against his side. Her soft, feminine form warmed his own, while her light rosewater scent slowly sank into his skin. Something even deeper in his chest twisted and wrenched like a sapling branch in a rough spring storm, but it did not break. The heart could survive unimaginable loss. It was designed to do so. But could Alec’s survive losing her again?

Lottie shivered against the light breeze and leaned toward him. “Not even a quick trip to Saint Mark’s?”

A lock of hair fell across her eyes. Alec had to fight against the urge to brush it away.

The square would be mobbed with tourists now. Perhaps…perhaps it would be all right. He hated to disappoint her more than he already had. Alec forced himself to turn away from her, lest they stand on the street until sundown. “Fine, but we must—”

“Well, isn’tthisa pleasant surprise!”

An all-too-familiar voice boomed from behind them. Alec squeezed his eyes shut and silently let out a string of curses that would make the Virgin Mary weep. His damned distraction had cost him. He turned around with a scowl, but Signore Cardinelli was too busy eyeing Lottie to spare him a glance. “Alec, you devil! Of course you would keep this alluring creature all to yourself,” he said with a laugh and placed a kiss on Lottie’s hand. Only then did he meet Alec’s eyes. They narrowed slightly. “Not that I blame you.”

Lottie gave him a polite smile and glanced back at Alec. He caught the flash of unease in her expression, though she hid it well. She had worn the very same look when he found her with Mrs. Huntington, but he would again take care of this. They were in his world now. He rubbed a small circle against her inner arm with his thumb.

Trust me.

She still didn’t look at him but relaxed slightly against his grip. It was a start.

“Signore Cardinelli, allow me to introduce my cousin,” he said. “Miss Gresham is visiting from England.” The signore knew full well that Alec was a bachelor, but Lottie would catch on quickly. “The signore has an interest in antiques. I have provided him with appraisals on several occasions.”

That, at least, was true. “All of which caused the prices to increase,” he said with a teasing laugh. Then he gave Lottie an oily smile. “Cousin, eh? I had no idea a rascal like this one came from such enchanting stock.”

Lottie dipped her head. “Yes. I’m afraid Alec is the black sheep of the family.” Then she leaned in toward him conspiratorially. “I’m sure I don’t need to tellyouwhy.”

Signore Cardinelli was struck dumb, then he threw his head back and laughed. The knot between Alec’s shoulder blades untwisted ever so slightly and he laughed along with the man. She had adapted even better than expected. It was a bit unnerving.

“Alec, you must bring her this evening. I told your cousin I’m having a little dinner party later,” he explained to Lottie before flicking him a sharp glance. “And I’m afraid I won’t take no for an answer. Is this your first time in Venice, Miss Gresham?” he asked with impeccable politeness as he held out his arm.