Page 21 of Enchant the Dawn

“I guess so.”

“How are you and your young man getting along?” Ava asked as Maddy settled onto the bench.

“He’s not ‘my’ young man.”

“No? Don’t tell me you didn’t see him again?”

“Well, yes, I did.”

“Did you have a good time?”

“Yes. It was wonderful. He’s wonderful.”

“I’m so glad. I knew he was the right one for you.”

“Well, it’s a little early to tell. We’ve only dated a couple of times.”

“But you like him?”

“Oh, yes,” Maddy said, smiling. “I’m seeing him again tonight.”

Ava nodded. She was happy for Dominic, glad he had found a woman to love. At the same time, his interest in Maddy was keeping him from doing what they had come to New Orleans for in the first place. But no matter. The Knights of the Dark Wood weren’t going anywhere. “What’s your young man’s name?”

“Dominic,” Maddy said, and frowned when she realized she didn’t even know his last name. But then, she had never given him hers either.

“A strong, masculine name,” Ava said. “I predict the two of you will have a long and happy life together.”

“How can you know that without reading my palm?” Maddy asked, even as she told herself again she didn’t believe in fortune-telling or tarot or anything like it.

Oh, crap, Ava thought. I forgot about that. Smiling brightly, she said, “Just an old woman’s intuition, dear.”

“Well,” Maddy said, “I don’t know him well enough to know if I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I like what I do know.”

“That’s enough for now,” Ava said, patting her hand. “Have a wonderful day.”

Gaining her feet, Maddy said, “You too.”

Ava sighed with satisfaction as she watched the girl jog down the path. Maddy was perfect for Dominic, and he was perfect for her.

* * *

Maddy was dressed and ready by four thirty. She spent the next half hour thinking about her conversation with Ava. She was an odd duck, with her predictions of the future for two people she didn’t even know.

Her heart skipped a beat when the doorbell rang. It was Dominic, of course, looking as tall, dark, and handsome as always.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said, taking her into his arms. “How was your day?”

“Quiet.” Taking his hand, she led him toward the sofa and pulled him down beside her. “I went to church and then I had this sudden urge to go jogging. You’ll never guess who I met in the park.”

Dominic groaned inwardly. He knew exactly who she’d met. “Who?”

“Ava. She’s the old woman I told you about, remember?”

“The one who said you’d see me again.”

“Right. Today she told me we’d have a long and happy life together. She’s quite the romantic.”

“You have no idea,” he muttered.