And then the way opened out into a strange half hut in the middle of the thicket.

Four posts held a roof of old planks inches over Jean’s head. There were no walls, only the thick vegetation. A scatter of flat stones covered the ground. It would be dry here in the rain.

“How did you know about this place?” Geoffrey demanded. Hands on hips, he confronted his father, looking outraged. “It’s mine! I didn’t even show Tom.”

“I made it,” replied Lord Furness. He had to stoop to stand in the odd little building. “When I was ten years old. It was my secret hideout.”

The boy stared up at him, his face shadowed. “It’smysecret hideout.” His voice held astonishment as well as resentment.

“I’m amazed you found it.”

“I’m an explorer,” declared Geoffrey. “I know every place in the gardens.”

“So did I. Still do, I suppose.” The man looked about as if remembering many happy days in this place. “Did you find the treasure?”

Geoffrey gazed up at him, startled. “What treasure?”

“Come and see.” He led the boy to the back edge of the little shelter. Kneeling, Lord Furness worked his fingertips under a flat rock that lay half in and half out of the cleared area. He pulled until it came free of the earth, then turned it over like the lid of a container and set it aside. “Help me dig,” he said to Geoffrey. “You can use your stick to loosen the soil.”

After another moment of hesitation, the boy fell to his knees beside his father.

They dug together, with rising enthusiasm. Jean watched them while fighting her need to run. This space wasn’t closed in, she told herself. It had no walls. She could leave whenever she wanted.

The task took several minutes. Father and son had grubby hands by the time they uncovered a small metal box and pulled it from the hole they’d made. “I buried this years ago,” Lord Furness said. “I’d almost forgotten.”

He set it down between them. Man and boy looked at each other, eyes gleaming in the dimness. Geoffrey looked like his mother, Jean thought, but he also resembled his father in more subtle ways. Their faces showed identical glee at the result of the treasure hunt.

Lord Furness pushed the box toward Geoffrey. “It’s yours now.”

The boy’s lips parted. He blinked, then set his small hand on the lid as if it was an emperor’s hoard. “What’s in it?” he whispered.

“You know, I don’t quite recall. Things I cherished, years ago.”

Geoffrey started to open the box.

“No,” said his father.

The boy snatched his hand away from the lid. His face went carefully blank.

“Open it when you’re alone.” Lord Furness added, “Don’t let anyone else see. Whatever’s in there, it’s your secret now.”

Their eyes met. Jean watched them share a moment of perfect kinship, perhaps the first they’d ever experienced. For this brief time, at least, they understood each other completely and agreed. Her throat grew tight, and tears stung. She blinked them back.

Geoffrey gave a small nod. He picked up the metal box and held it to his chest. His father smiled.

Jean wanted to savor their reconciliation, but the oppression she’d felt since entering this low space was increasing. She knew the walls of bramble and the low ceiling weren’t closing in on her. And yet it seemed as if they were. She had to get out into the open air. Turning, she looked for the path. A dizzying flash of panic suggested it was gone. Then she spotted the narrow opening and plunged through, snagging her hair on a spray of thorns as she hurried along. She ignored the pain as a few strands pulled out and rushed on. Her skirts tangled with more briars. She yanked them free and shoved at the final screen of branches.

The relief when she broke out of the thicket was immense. The light and air and space opened around her like a benediction. She stepped away from the thicket and drank in the garden vista. She took deep breaths to control her frightened panting and fought the terror that she hated so much. She would win; always, she would win.

Lord Furness emerged from the trees. “Are you all right?”

“Perfectly.” Jean refused to admit her weakness. She twisted the bits of her hair that had pulled loose back into place. Her fingers didnottremble. As ever, the strands resisted her efforts. No doubt she looked as if she’d been pulled through a thicket backward, as her mother used to say. At least this time she actually had been.

“Geoffrey is reburying the box in a new place that no one else will ever know.” He smiled, asking her to appreciate this.

“Good.” She looked at open sky, the far horizon. She was free to go wherever she wished.

“Funny the things one forgets,” he added. He bent to clean his hands on a tuft of damp grass.