“A what?”

“I do not feel that the document Figgs prepared is in the best interests of Poldene,” Kenver went on.

“Youdo not?” His mother waved this away. “You are a green boy.”

“No, I am not.”

She turned to the earl. “Will you allow him to speak to me this way, Peter?”

“I thought he was polite,” said Lord Trestan.

“Polite!” She spit the word as if it was offensive.

“And he’s right about the document.”

Lady Trestan reared back, apparently stunned.

“We appreciate your dedication to Poldene,” said Kenver. “But we won’t be superseded anymore.”

“Superseded! Hoity-toity.”

“We can work together…”

“You don’t know what work means!” she interrupted.

“I believe that I do. And what I do not, I can learn. I am rather good at that, Mama.”

The countess’s glare swept the group, lingering a bit longer on Sarah as if she blamed her for this scene. “So you are all against me. Perhaps you think I have mismanaged the estate. You will accuse me of embezzlement perhaps?”

“No, Mama. And you are changing the subject.”

“Perhaps I should go to the gun room for a pistol and put a period to my existence,” Lady Trestan said.

A frightened exclamation escaped Sarah.

The countess pounced on it. “Everything has gone wrong at Poldene since you came here, you sneaking little…”

“Stop it, Mama. I will not have Sarah bullied.”

Kenver’s mother bridled. “Do you dare tell your elders how to behave?”

“I regret that I have to. I don’t like being disappointed in you.”

This got a reaction. For once, Lady Trestan didn’t seem to know what to say.

“I’ve never seen you treat anyone as you did Sarah on her arrival,” Kenver went on. “A girl of nineteen!” He frowned. “Well, except for Tamara, I suppose. But I don’t really remember that.”

“Her name is not to be mentioned,” declared his mother dramatically.

“Itwillbe mentioned. Quite often.”

Lady Trestan looked startled at this calmly implacable response.

“In fact I intend to invite Tamara and her son to visit,” Kenver added.

“Son?” said his father.

“You have a grandson,” said Sarah. “Didn’t Lady Trestan tell you?”