“Jutes? Isn’t that a kind of cloth?”

“Yes, but also an old Germanic tribe. That’s odd, isn’t it?”

Tamara smiled at her. “Perhaps they were weavers.”

“I don’t think… Oh, a joke.”

“You’re fond of strange facts.”

Sarah ducked her head. “I read too much.”

“I would hope you read exactly as much as you wish to,” Kenver’s sister responded.

She could be a real friend if only they had the chance, Sarah thought, wishing she lived closer. She said as much that night, lying in bed, entwined in Kenver’s arms.

“We can visit her and have her come to Poldene,” he replied.

“Henry too,” she said.


“Her son. Your nephew.”

“Oh, of course. Henry as well.”

“I suppose he’ll be a grown man by then,” Sarah said.

Kenver gazed down at her.

“It will be…some time before we could invite them,” she added.

She meant they couldn’t do so until his parents were gone, Kenver realized with a jolt. But that was…impossible. Papa and Mama would live years, decades. As they should. He didn’t wish them dead! But he…they couldn’t stay in this house, and away from Poldene, for all that time. This was temporary, until he found his way. Made a plan. As he had not. He turned away from her to wait for sleep. Which took its time in coming.


The Terefords came by the following morning to say farewell, driving out of their way to stop at Tresigan. Kenver suspected that the duchess was curious about Tamara as well. They spent a pleasant half hour together, and he was happy to see his sister at ease in this exalted company. When they rose to go, Sarah was clearly wistful. She and the duchess stood together at the front door for some private conversation while the duke went out to summon the traveling carriage.

Kenver was surprised to see Merlin emerge from the cave and accost Tereford on his way to the barn. They conferred for a few minutes. Finally the duke nodded. And when the traveling carriage pulled away a little while later, Merlin was sitting up beside the coachman on the box.

“Our resident eccentric wanted to get away,” the duke told his wife as they drove off. “There was some awkwardness with Mrs. Deane. He did not go into detail.”

“Is that why he cut his hair?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t give his reasons.”

“Bringing him along was well done,” said Cecelia. “Two birds with one stone and so on.”

“I have no idea what I’m going to do with him.”

“If you like, I can—”

“But I think I should make a push to figure it out,” the duke interrupted.

Cecelia examined her handsome husband. She’d been conscious of tensions. “Because I have taken over too much?” she asked.

He looked at her.

“Yes, I have noticed that you’ve chafed under my…regime.” She smiled to show this word was a joke.