Gwen’s eyes were red with weeping.

“I was meeting my brother. Jowan!”

A young man edged out of the cottage. Tall and gangly, he shared Gwen’s dark hair and eyes and general cast of features.

Gwen pulled him forward. “Jowan wants to be a footman. And he’s like to have the height and all. So I been teaching him things about a grand household, so he could get a position.”

Jowan kept his eyes on the ground and muttered something that might have been an apology.

“They set someone to follow me on my afternoon off,” Gwen continued. “I’d swear it was Cranston, but I got no proof of that. But it was her told Lady Trestan that I was meeting a lover. She made up a story about catching us…doing something improper.”

Both Gwen and Jowan grimaced in horror.

“I told her ladyship that he’s my brother, but they said I was lying.”

“Gwen don’t lie,” said the older man. “She’s got an odd kick in her gallop with the joking she does, but she was always a truthful lass.” He frowned. “Do you reckon Lord Trestan will take away our cottage?”

Sarah looked horrified. “He would not dare,” she said.

“I will see that he doesn’t,” replied Kenver.

“Can you tell Lady Trestan the truth?” Gwen asked Sarah.

“I will,” she answered.

“But I don’t suppose I’ll get my position back.”

Gwen met Sarah’s eyes, and they silently acknowledged that she probably could not manage this. Gwen was well aware of Sarah’s position in the Poldene household. Unable to bear the disappointment in the girl’s expression, Sarah took Gwen aside. “We are moving out of Poldene quite soon,” she confided. “We haven’t told anyone yet because…”

They exchanged another understanding look.

“But you can come and work for us in our new home. Jowan too, if he likes.”

“Really, ma’am?” Relief and hope lit Gwen’s face.

“Yes. Don’t say anything just now. But it will be quite soon.”

“Where are you going?”

“It is a house called Tresigan.”

“The haunted place?” Gwen looked uncertain.

“A man who had been living there started those stories. It is a fine house. All sorts of repairs have been made.”

The girl looked reassured.

“We don’t want Lord and Lady Trestan to know until we are ready to depart,” Sarah added.

“So I can’t tell my family?”

“Not just yet. Soon.”

Gwen nodded. Her bright spirit seemed to be dimmed, and Sarah was sorry to see it.

Back at Poldene, Sarah’s efforts to speak to Lady Trestan were repulsed at first, but she did not give up. At last, the following day, she was admitted to the countess’s private parlor. She was not asked to sit down.

“I am quite occupied this morning,” said Kenver’s mother. She was sitting at a writing desk with a letter in progress before her.