“As we could find no sign of a key, they broke the door open. It is full of…furnishings.”

He groaned. “Another of Uncle Percival’s rats’ nests? Not like the town house, I hope.”

“No, I had a look through it. It is Tresigan’s fittings, stored away. Some of the pieces are very fine.”

“But ruined by damp, I assume.”

“Fortunately not. The cellar is quite dry. Even a carpet lasted perfectly well. Once the repairs are finished, we can bring things back up and furnish the house.”

“For a tenant?” the duke asked.

Cecelia tapped her fingers on the desk. “I suppose so.”

James noticed, because she was usually more decisive. “Has our resident vagabond vacated?”

“No. He lurks about outside while the workers are busy, I understand. And returns when they’ve left for the day.”

“You don’t think we should remove him? He might interfere with the repairs.”

“I don’t think he would dare do that.” Cecelia dismissed this issue from her mind, confident that she could be rid of their trespasser as soon as she really wished it.

“Trestan is a magistrate,” the duke noted.

“I would not consign anyone to the mercies of our host,” Cecelia replied.

“It is true he has not shown many signs of mercies.”

“No. I am surprised his son takes it so meekly.”

She didn’t sound approving. “Would you have him rant and rail?” asked the duke. “I never found it particularly effective.”

“As a relief for your feelings?” she wondered.

He thought about this. “Not really. There was never any…denouement, you see. My father and I roared and wrangled, and then he died.”

“You were only fifteen. Time might have brought…well, something different.”

“Perhaps.” The duke shrugged. “I thought I saw a spark of rebellion in young Pendrennon’s eye the other night.”

“At last!”

He raised one interrogative eyebrow.

“Would you allow your family to speak to me the way Lady Trestan does to Sarah?” she asked.


“Would you?”

“Not my family. Not anyone’s. You may recall that I administered a sharp setdown to your own father when he belittled you.”

Cecelia laughed. “And he didn’t even notice because he was far more interested in his train of logic than in either of us.”

The duke nodded.

“It was a masterful setdown, however. And I thank you for it.”

He gave her a graceful seated bow. There was a short silence as Cecelia dealt with more correspondence. Then James spoke again. “It does occur to me that being a parent may be an extremely challenging task.”