“Have you come looking for sympathy then?”

Seeing no reason to delay, James said, “I have come to ask you to marry me.”


“I would like you to be my duchess,” he said.

It was one of the few times in their long association that he’d managed to render her speechless. Indeed, she was gaping at him.

“I think it a sensible plan,” he explained. “Offering advantages for both of us.”

She still seemed unready to speak.

Recognizing that he had surprised her, James went on. “You would be established with a respected position in society. That must be an important consideration for you. When your father is gone, your circumstances will be much reduced.”

“Papa is quite healthy,” she replied in an odd tone.

“For now. He is prone to overindulgence.”

Cecelia bent her head so that he couldn’t see her face.

James acknowledged that his last remark had been tactless. Yes, it was true. But a proposal should probably not dwell on a father’s death. Certainly it should not. What was wrong with him? He turned to another tack. “You enjoy having estates to run.”

She raised her head and gazed at him, her eyes wide and unreadable. “Would you really go this far to have me do your work for you?”

“You are practically trained to be a duchess already.”

“Trained! Like a performing animal?”

“What? Nothing of the sort. You are speaking as if I’ve insulted you.”

“I’m astounded, rather.” She looked down again. “I–I had no notion you were contemplating marriage at this time.”

“Well, I wasn’t, but this would thwart the ambitious mamas. And, you know, the dukedom requires an heir and so on.” James faltered as his mind was suddenly full of the process of gaining said heir. How had he failed to appreciate Cecelia’s lithe, lovely curves? They were rightthere, an arm’s length away.

“So on,” repeated Cecelia with parted lips.

They were quite enticing lips. Was she too thinking of marital embraces? The idea sent a flush of heat over his skin.

She blinked and sat straighter. “But chiefly I would set the estate in order for you,” she said. “That is why you are here.”

“I know you like to be useful.”

“Is that what you know about me?”

He couldn’t understand why she was being so prickly. “One thing. Do you deny it?”

“No, but…”

“There! I am offering a task you enjoy. And we are familiar with each other’s ideas and habits.”

“Do you mean that I am accustomed to dealing with a vain, indolent man?” Cecelia asked. “Two of them actually.”

“That is not the way I would put it,” James replied, nettled.

“No, of course you would not.”

“You are being tiresome.”