Page 138 of Heartbreaker

“I daresay we did not expectthat,” Imogen replied. “Think of what we can do with two duchesses!”

“That’s grand!” Jack said, seeming not to fully grasp the danger of his situation. “About time you settle down, Henry, if you ask me!”

Henry wasn’t at all certain he’d call marriage to Adelaidesettling down, but he’d take whatever she’d give him.

The Duchess of Trevescan remained silent, her eyes on Adelaide.

“I’m afraid there won’t be any wedding, Jack,” Adelaide said. “Duchess, I require a loan.”

A single blond brow rose, but the other woman answered unequivocally. “Of course.”

“It will likely be a great deal of money, and I may not be able to pay it back.”

Her friend nodded. “Nevertheless, if you need it, it is yours.”

The three women stood then, coming to flank Adelaide like a team of well-trained lieutenants, facing Henry, as though he were the enemy and not Alfie Trumbull, the actual hardened criminal in the place.

Each of them looked as though they would protect her with their life. And Adelaide somehow believed the world did not value her.

“Thank you.” She nodded and turned to her father. “Name your price, Alfie. And I’ll sweeten the pot.”

Trumbull cut Henry a look. “I’m listening.”

“You get your money—whatever Havistock’s price is—” Adelaide said.

“Not sweet enough, girl,” Alfie said.

“—which is why I am not finished,” she said, irritation sliding into her tone as she repeated herself. “You get your price... and me. Returned.”

Gasps went up around the room, and heat exploded through Henry. He’d burn Lambeth to the ground before he allowed that. “Absolutely fucking not.”

Somewhere, the Duchess said, “What in hell?”

Alfie’s brows rose. “Returned.”

“I’m still the best cutpurse you’ve got,” she said, eyes only on her father. “And now I’ve ties to Mayfair and the aristocracy. I’m a proper thief—one of the best inLondon—which you know, as I’ve stolen from you in broad daylight. You won’t get better.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “That’s the offer. The money, and me. For the newlyweds. And for Clayborn.”

“And for my promise never again to work for Havistock,” Alfie guessed shrewdly.

“Once you let Lady Helene go with Duchess, you’ll never have a chance to work with him again,” Adelaide said. “But I want a promise that you’ll never come for any of them again.”

“Fucking hell, Adelaide.” Henry had had enough. Without waiting for Trumbull’s decision, he headed for her, ready to toss her over his shoulder and carry her out of this church, and sort out his brother only after he’d tied Adelaide Frampton to a damn chair. “You absolute madwoman.” He didn’t look to Trumbull as he added, “Alfie, I will personally use every tool at my disposal to destroy you and your gang if you accept that offer. What I cannot do myself, I’ll bring in the goddamned Royal Guard to finish.”

“Adelaide. This is—Listen to him.” Sesily Calhoun agreed with him, but Henry didn’t have time to think on the opinions of her friends, each one likely preparing to do battle.

Henry reached Adelaide, pulling her into his arms, resisting the urge to shake some sense into her. “I will tear this place apart before I let you stay here, do you understand?”

She pulled away from him. “Dammit, Henry! This is the only way through! The only way to keep you all safe. Your brother. Helene.You.”

“Keep me safe from what?”

“You want to be tied to me? To this place?” She waved a hand at it. “This will ruin you!”

“And what ofyou?”

“It’s different for me. I was born here. I know it. I can’tbear having you here. Knowing what you will sacrifice for me.”

“What sacrifice? You think your past is hidden from me? I’ve been here before, Adelaide.With you!I knocked out half a dozen of your father’s men and chased you through the fucking place!”