Perching on the edge of the seat, I watch as he walks around to the boot. He returns with a bottle of water and some wet wipes. ‘My dad always keeps these in the car just in case.’

Bending one knee to the ground, he takes my hem in one hand and starts cleaning the mud from my dress. It’s a strangely intimate gesture, and I fiddle with my hands in my lap, not sure where to put them.

‘I see – I really am Lady Muck.’

I should say ‘I’ll do it,’ and take the wipes from him, but I don’t. There is something calming in watching him; he’s gentle, yet his hands have a surgical precision.

‘Not perfect, I’m afraid,’ he says, standing up to return the water and wipes to the boot. He has done his best, but there is still a residual pale brown stain. Why did I buy such an impractical dress?

‘Well, that was beyond the call of duty. Thank you.’ I turn to watch Ted close the boot, dusting his hands off on his jacket. ‘Would you mind if I sat up in front, so I can see out more? I was starting to feel a bit carsick in the back with all these windy roads.’

‘Of course.’

He hurries over to open the passenger door and doffs his cap. He’s mocking me, but in a sweet way, so I don’t mind.

‘Thank you, kind sir,’ I say, with playful formality.

As he gets into the driver’s seat, he throws his cap onto the back seat, then runs both hands through his hair, almost self-consciously.

‘Your wish is my command, Lady Muck.’