Page 112 of This Time Next Year

She could call Quinn tomorrow, of course she could. Logically she knew this, but she still felt that she had missed something important tonight. She’d missed the chance to prove she wasn’t the superstitious, fatalistic girl from a year ago. She’d missed the chance to prove to herself that the jinx wasn’t real.

As she got off the bus near her house, a car driving past opened a window and threw out a polystyrene container. It bounced off the kerb and spattered her green Capri trousers with a warm yellow gunk, something that smelt like curry sauce.

As she turned the corner of her street and got closer to her front door, she saw that it was hanging open. Oh great, she’d been robbed. The perfect end to the perfect evening. She walked cautiously towards the doorway and heard a noise inside; whoever had broken in was still there. Oh god, where was Lucky? Would he have escaped through the open door? She should call the police; she shouldn’t try to confront theintruder alone. She paused, conflicted. Her warm, hooded parka was just there on the peg, visible through the open door. She was freezing; she could grab it and then run and call the police. She reached out to take it, just as a figure emerged from the kitchen. Minnie screamed and threw the coat she was holding over the figure’s head.

‘I’ve called the police!’ she yelled, running back out into the road.

‘Minnie?’ she heard a muffled voice calling after her.

How did the burglar know her name? She slowed down and turned to see Quinn, in black tie, holding her parka in his arms.

‘It’s you? Oh god, I thought someone was robbing my flat,’ she said, holding her chest, breathless with the adrenaline.

‘The door was wide open,’ said Quinn. ‘I was worried something had happened so I went in to check. Sorry I scared you.’

Minnie looked at him and blinked, she couldn’t believe he was here.

‘You’re shivering,’ he said, wrapping her coat around her shoulders and guiding her inside.

Minnie quickly checked the flat but nothing looked to be missing. Lucky was sitting contentedly on the sofa licking his paws, and she rushed over to pick him up, nuzzling her face into his fur.

‘I guess maybe I didn’t shut the door properly when I left,’ she said with a frown. “My dad warned me the door had a dodgy lock.’

Quinn stood in the hall, as though waiting to be invited in.

‘Where did you go?’ he asked.

Minnie came to stand opposite him and he reached out to take her hands in his.

‘Westminster Pier – I missed the boat.’

‘I wasn’t on it,’ the dimple on Quinn’s cheek creasing into life.

‘I can see that,’ she said, biting her lip. ‘You came all the way up here, you missed your party.’

‘If you want to stay in and hide from the jinx, I will stay and hide with you.’

‘I thought I might have missed the boat with you too … ’ She paused awkwardly. ‘ … I didn’t know if you’d still feel the same.’

‘Minnie Cooper, I think it’s time I showed you exactly how I feel.’

He put his hands gently on her face, and Minnie had that funny feeling she’d had so often before, that Quinn Hamilton might be about to kiss her. This time she was right. He leant over and gently pressed his lips to hers. His mouth was tender but firm; his hand stroked her hair down around her cheek. Her skin fizzed with electricity and Minnie had to reach backwards for a wall to support herself.

After a few blissful minutes, Quinn pulled away, sniffing the air, his nose wrinkly.

‘Do you smell curry sauce?’

‘It’s me. It’s all over my trousers – it’s been an eventful evening.’

Minnie shivered. She’d got so cold her body was finding it hard to warm up. Quinn rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

‘Maybe I’ll just have a quick shower to warm up and de-curry? Then I’ll be right with you. Hold this thought!’

The hot water scorched her skin and she watched her belly go pink under the stream. The heat was heavenly. Quinn knocked on the bathroom door. Minnie turned, nervously clutching her hands around her body. Was he coming in? Would he be that bold?

‘Oh I, er, I just wanted to check you didn’t actually call the police,’ Quinn called out.

‘Oh, no,’ she called back. ‘I didn’t. That’s just what I shout when I think a burglar is chasing me down the street.’