Princess Serenity

Queen Serenity

“I like it.” I nodded slowly, shifting up on the bed. He tried to help me but couldn’t as he held her. It took me a second, but I managed to sit up and reach out for her. When he put her in my arms again, her name felt right. I felt that peace that calm. She was here in my arms. Real as can be.

“Serenity Wilhelmina…can be her middle name, so my mother will spare me.” I laughed. Though she would hardly like a middle name, I didn’t really want to call my daughter by my mother’s name.

“She needs a third name,” he said, touching her hat. “Royals normally have three names.”

“Well, we’ve already given her a mouthful with Serenity Wilhelmina…let’s give her a break with the third. Something simple and informal.”


I shook my head. “No…still too long and formal. How about…Rose?” I looked up at him. “For the first flower, you gave me.”

“Princess Serenity Wilhelmina Rose Monterey,” he said once, then nodded. “Perfect.”

That was the best word to describe this moment.


“You should rest. We will need to meet together on the palace steps and show her to the public in the morning. I’ve already ordered fireworks,” he said.


“It’s the tradition to welcome a new princess. My daughter.” He really couldn’t help but grin, and it made me grin, too.

The world was glittering again…just like it had on our wedding day.

As I was holding her again, I realized something…it was about the palace royals and traditions. Things we had to do because the family had always done them even if there was no clear explanation of why.

“I get it now.”

“What?” Odette asked, sitting in her wheelchair as a whole team of people tried to fix her up.

“Why girls do not sit horseback for the birthday salute…even if they are the heir.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Your birthday salute?”

I glanced down at her; it was weird to think of it now, I know, but it just popped into my head.

“Yes, I thought it was some old sexist rule we just carried on. But now I think I get why it was started. It was probably started by some poor king, born in the winter, like me, who loved his daughter so much, he could not bear to make her sit in the cold, behind him.”

“And how do you know this?”

“It’s a feeling. I don’t even want to take her outside right now. It’s too cold for her. I know she’s bundled up tight, in my arms, and it’s only for two or three minutes. But I don’t want her to be cold for a second.”

“Oh no, she’s going to be a total daddy’s girl.” She laughed. “You are going to spoil her rotten, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely.” There wasn’t a doubt in my mind.

“Your Majesties,” Balduin drew our attention. “It’s almost time.”

“We are just going to have to shield her from the cold as much as possible,” Odette said as Gelula helped her rise and step into short heels.

“Are you all right?” I asked, really wishing I could have waited another day for her to recover at least. But before we had all even woken up, people had gathered at the gates. There was no turning back now.

“I’ll hold on, too,” she said, gripping my arm.