“Are all suspects accounted for?”

“At this time, yes. But again, I cannot give any further details.”

“Sir, you were also in the chamber with the king? Are there any details on his condition? The palace confirms he is all right and back at the palace. However, there were accounts of him being shot. One of his guards also seems to be in critical condition at the hospital.”

“I have not spoken to the king yet, but I am sure he is safe in the palace bunker.”

This son of a bitch! I did my best not to scream the words aloud as I was surrounded on every side with people all waiting to televise a national address that would not apparently happen. Even at this moment, he was being a politician. Making himself look as down to earth and one of the people…while I was the elite, rich king hiding in his palace.

“Sir,” Wolfgang said beside me when I did not speak. “Will you make your own address?”

“I’ve lost the night, Wolfgang,” I said, grabbing the top of the couch, trying to think. There was no way I could follow his moment right now. The contrast would be too stark. So what would be able to fix this?

Come on…think. But I wasn’t sure what to do. I couldn’t rush back out on the streets right now.

“Wolfgang, do we have a list of the families who lost loved ones?”

I glanced up at Odette, who stepped forward dressed in a simple dress, her hair in a bun, to ask him.

“An early one, ma’am, but they are still doing identification—”

“Get us all the names you have and their numbers,” she ordered.

“What are you thinking? To call them?” I asked her.

She nodded, coming over to me. “These people are heartbroken and scared and angry. They told us when they coronated us, we were the mother and father of the nation. When you’re hurt, you want to speak to parents…at least I know I do.”

“That’s never be done before,” I whispered back.

“Has a prime minister ever given an address alone like this before?” she asked back.

I shook my head. “No.”

“So, let’s just keep breaking traditions tonight.”

It was better than any idea I had but still…part of me worried exactly what these people would say. The anger that might be in them over this moment.

“I have a list, sir,” Wolfgang said.

I noticed everyone else was already moving to bring a landline to my desk; that way, those I was calling would know it was from the palace.

I nodded, walking over behind the desk.

“Wolfgang, I will also need a pen and paper,” Odette said as she had them bring her a chair right beside me. “We may need more hands so we can get information on all the families. Get anyone you can to create something to give them. It won’t change how devastated they are. But the least we can do is make them know we are here and we feel their loss. I will start writing letters, and the king will call. Everyone, it’s going to be a long night.”

I looked over to the general beside me. One moment she was having panic attacks and crying. The next, she was clapping her hands and ordering everyone about. When our eyes locked, she seemed to understand me because she shrugged slightly.

Taking off my jacket, I pulled off my tie before sitting down by the phone.

“The first family is a Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Valentina Mercer; they lost their daughter, Evie. She was the first victim of the day. She was sixteen,” Wolfgang explained as he showed me the picture of the young girl with braces and blond hair. “We are calling her first and then patching them to you via this phone. We are not sure we will get everyone but…”

“It’s fine. Don’t call too many in advance. We do not know how long they will all speak for, and I do not want to rush them.” I nodded, sitting upright.

“Yes, sir,” he replied, waiting to be notified of when to pick up the phone. There was a single nod to me as a signal. I took a deep breath before picking up the phone and answering.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, I’m Galahad. I’m looking at a picture of your daughter Evie now, and I am so sorry for your loss,” I said into the phone…and the reply back was sobs.

I bit the corner of my lips, hanging my head.