“So, if you don’t think it is all right, you can just cancel her plans?” She looked back at me.

“Not just those—any member of the royal family. I only ever had to once so far because we had a scheduled charity lunch with the local sisters of the poor. However, that turned out to be a mistake in the scheduling time, so no plans were really canceled.” The country may have been ruled by parliament, but this family, this palace, everything had to go through the queen unless otherwise stated by the king.

If someone had a dentist appointment, I knew about it. Even if I didn’t want to know about it.

“Wow.” She shook her head and sat back. “Wolfgang, where is your other half?”

“Excuse me, ma’am?” he asked, wide-eyed.

“I’ve been here for a week now, and I’ve seen you and Gale, but I have yet to see Iskandar anywhere, and he’s usually Gale’s shadow.” She knew exactly which buttons to press without fail.

“Mom, I told you he’s on vacation.” I was glad that not all the news here translated abroad…wow, I was calling America abroad, now.

“Still?” she questioned. “That’s weird. He doesn’t seem like the type who goes on vacations. Anyway, how are you, Wolfgang? I’ve been meaning to say this…you’ve matured a bit since last I saw you.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” He grinned.

“Wasn’t a compliment.”

“Mom!” I snapped, glaring at her.

“What? I liked the cute, peppy Wolfgang. This Wolfgang is a little serious. I don’t like him serious. No fun.”

“Mom, please stop picking on my secretary,” I begged, and she shrugged, eating my yogurt now. “Wolfgang, forgive her.”

“No need, ma’am.” He smiled and looked at my mother. “I’m still me, just can’t be openly me here at the palace. This place can eat you alive if you’re not careful. Though I do like to think I am a bit more mature.”

My mother grinned, liking this tone much better. “If you say so. Is there any way we can get more of these and some club sandwiches, as well as sparking water?”

“That’s not his job, Mom. You ask that from Gelula if we are not downstairs.”

“Ugh,” she groaned, laying back on the bed. “The protocols here, just to get food. I’m exhausted already. Is there a bell or something we can ring?”

I looked back to Wolfgang, who was trying very hard not to laugh.

“Please excuse my mother. As you know, she can get a bit dramatic at times. Here”—I handed back the schedule—“Everything is approved. Though please tell the gardeners not to work past six p.m. on the east side anymore, Gale was irritated by the construction.”

“Yes, ma’am. And I’ll send Gelula inside.” He bowed once more before turning and leaving.

Once he was gone, I smacked my mother’s thigh. “You really know how to pick on people.”

“What did I do?”

I didn’t even have the energy to explain. I just laid back flat, looking up at the ceiling with her.

“Glad you’re here, Mom.”

“You tell me that once a day now. What’s up? Really?”

I shook my head. “I just…want everything to be perfect until this one gets here, but so far, if being in this family has taught me anything, it’s how…nothing ever goes perfectly.”

“It might not be perfect, but it will all be fine. And fine is something we all need.”

God, I hoped so.

