“Not that type of bastard—”

“I know. I was joking.”

“Since when can you tell a joke?”

For some reason, I chuckled. “You all think too much of me. Honestly. I’m not a robot. I’m not a rock. I joke. I laugh. I get upset. I just don’t go carrying everything into work. Because it is work. Unlike some people.”

“Some people being me?”

“Yes. Especially you!”

He sucked his teeth angrily. “Well, excuse me for not checking my personality at the door of the palace!”

“You’re excused.”

“Is that a joke again?”


“You’re bad at those.”

“I know. I enjoy it, anyway.”

“So, wait. Are you making jokes in the palace whenever you do that? Or are you being serious there?”

I grinned and didn’t answer.

“I’m going to tell the king.”

I rolled my eyes. “Go to sleep, Wolfgang.”

“Come back.”

“No. If I don’t stick to my principles, how can I expect anyone else to? The way the code and honor works is by maintaining it even when it is hard, even when it works against you. That is what I believe.”

“And when you believe something, you are unmovable?”


“Are you sure you aren’t just embarrassed?”

I froze, not liking that word or the feeling it put in me. “Why would I be embarrassed? I did nothing wrong.”

“You didn’t. But still, having your business publicly put out there, especially if everyone doesn’t agree with it, can make you embarrassed even if you did nothing wrong, right? If it were me, I’d want to hide away from it all.”

I frowned, shifting onto my side. “I am not you. Goodnight, Wolfgang.”

Chapter 34

Almost every other day, Wolfgang returned back to the palace like a wounded puppy. I wasn’t sure what Iskandar always said or did that brought him down, but I imagined it was harsh. The greatest thing about Wolfgang, however, was his positivity. You could knock him down a hundred times, and he’d just bounce back up. It was exhausting to fight against, which was why I had so much hope in him. Hope that, eventually, Iskandar would just stop fighting to rid himself of Wolfgang.

“You really won’t let it go, will you?” Gale asked as he stepped beside me.

“Not even a little,” I answered.

He glanced at me. “I never thought I would say this, but I think I’m kind of jealous of Iskandar now.”
