“I saw. Didn’t have to hear. Because I walked by and saw you he-he-ing and ha-ha-ing at Winnie, in the cherry blossom garden,” she snapped, glaring at me.

I paused and just stared for a moment before nodding. “Okay, so because you saw me laughing—”

“With another woman.”

“With another women…you decided the best course of action was to force me to eat raw foods, drink wine, and smoke?”

“The second option was for me to find a handsome young man to flirt and giggle with, too, but it’s kind of hard to do that when I have your kid in me!”

I glanced down at her stomach for a moment before leaning in to say, “Firstly, thank you. Secondly, note this: your mother is a bit crazy!”

She smacked my shoulder! “Don’t call me crazy! This is your fault.”

“Odette, all I did was talk to the woman!” I gasped.

“Yeah, like this.” She made a dreamy face, and I did my best not to snort at whatever she thought she was doing. “You were flirting with her, the whole palace saw.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Eat!” she snapped, yanking the bottle from me and pouring it into a glass. “You will eat and drink until you are relaxed enough to laugh like that with me and not Winnie.”

“Must you keep saying her name like that?” I asked, on the verge of laughing now.

“Yes, because that’s how it sounded in my head when she said her name to you or you said it to her.” She handed me the glass. “Option three, your mother’s plan: have her replaced.”

“For simply talking to me?” They were both crazy.

“Remember what your mom said happened to your father once his brother died?” she said and frowned. She was taking this far too seriously.


“If it ever happened with you, I won’t go crazy, I won’t scream, I won’t throw anything at you. I. will. leave. One kid, two kids, five kids…first year, second, or ten years into this marriage. I don’t care. Queen or not, I don’t care. I will leave faster than you can say, ‘Your Majesty.’ I won’t forgive you; I will not be at your side till the end. I refuse! I’d rather everyone laugh in my face for being the former queen than have them laugh in my face for standing next to you. I’ve been alone before; I can go back. I can survive. I watched my mom survive—”

“Odette, breathe.” I grabbed her shoulders. “Bevilën, please breathe.”

She inhaled deeply, then lifted the wine to my face again. Taking the glass, I drank it quickly, not stopping until I had finished the whole glass. Reaching over, I grabbed a piece of sushi and threw it into my mouth, too. “Happy?”

She still just glared at me.

So I grabbed one of the oysters and threw it back, too.

“Know that you’ve been warned,” she said with a seriousness that was chilling.

I raised my hands up. “Understood.” Damn.

“Then are you ready to talk now?” she pressed.

“About what?”

“What were you talking about with Win—”

“If you say Winnie one more time, woman!” I cut her off to complain, and she crossed her arms, sitting back against her pillow.

“Fine.” She huffed. “How are you feeling emotionally?”

“Right now? A little panicked and stressed.” I laughed.

“Wait, are you saying I’m stressing you out?” She sat up again.