“I can’t…I…I don’t know.”

“What does that mean, Odette?” I didn’t understand. This wasn’t like her. “What are you hiding from me?”

She hung her head. “Gale—”

“Answer me!”

“I…I…think your grandmother might have done something.” She barely got out the words.


“The accident. I don’t think it was an accident.” The moment she got that out, everything just began to spill from her lips like a horrid nightmare. The more she spoke, the sicker I became, the farther away from her I wanted to get.

That was not possible.

We were not these people.

We did not do these things.

What in the hell was she saying?

“So you are telling me you knew about this…for months?” I spat out. “You’ve been keeping this from me for months?”

“Gale, I wanted to—”

I held out my hand to stop her from getting any closer. “That day, when I brought Sabina on our tour, you nearly ripped me apart. You yelled and screamed and ignored me for days! Because you said, we had to be honest with each other! You said you couldn’t handle secrets! Then you go lying to my face for months! About this! Something as big as this!”


“Not once! Not once have I ever doubted you, Odette! Not once did I ever think you’d lie or keep something like this from me. You, out of everyone, are supposed to be honest with me! You are supposed to be on my side! Mine!” I hollered.

“I am!” she cried back.

“No!” I shook my head. “You were on the side of the monarchy, not me!”

“You told me you are the monarchy!”

“Before that, I am supposed to be Gale to you! I am supposed to be your husband and partner, and instead of trusting me, coming to me…you lied and covered up things from me. Who the hell are you now, Odette? Because right now, I don’t have a fucking clue!” Grabbing my jacket, I marched toward the door, slamming it behind me.

I had no words…none for any of this.

“I made a mistake, Mom,” I cried into the phone, laying on the bed. “And I don’t know what to do.”

“What happened?” she asked.

I couldn’t even tell her because I had lied to her, too. I told her Arabella had nothing to do with Sabina and that she didn’t mean what she told her as a real threat. I didn’t know that for a fact. I didn’t know anything. I was just scrambling to cover everything up and keeping secrets from people who cared about me.


“I’ve never seen him so angry at me…never seen him…hurt that I wasn’t honest with him.”

“If you don’t want to tell me what happened…fine. But calm down, okay? Remember, you are pregnant. And you could just be feeling more emotional. He might not be as upset as you think.

“He is, Mom. He really is,” I cried. I rarely cried before, but now everything had me sobbing. I felt like a mess, and on top of that, I knew he was right. I wished I had told him earlier. But I didn’t even want to tell him now.


“I don’t feel well. I’m going to sleep,” I muttered, curling into and lifting the covers up over my head.