“Balduin, you are aware you said almost twice now?” I stated. Clearly, something had gotten under his skin.

His eyes widened. “Did I, sir?”

“Yes, you did.” I eyed him. “What is it?”

“Nothing, sir, I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.”

“I’d like to hear this ‘nothing.’ Believe me, my mood will not be ruined. Go on.”

He shook his head and sighed in frustration. “It seems this foolish and dirty conspiracy theory that the monarch was behind the unfortunate death of Ms. Franziska is getting more attention online.”

I laughed. “Balduin, you should know better than anyone how people like to gossip. Of all the things that could get to you? Something so ridiculous? Forget about them and it. I often do.”

Just as he was about the speak, the doors opened, and in came my sister like a green tornado with her red hair in waves, screaming, “Happy birthday, big bro!”

“Thank you. Why do you look so cheerful, though? I’m worried,” I asked, nodding for Balduin to excuse himself. “My little sister does cool, not cheerful.”

She rolled her eyes at me, but the grin on her face remained. “Would you like your presents now?”

“Now I’m even more worried,” I replied and took a step back. “What did you do, Eliza?”

“Nothing! Gosh, you are so dramatic. Here is your gift,” she said and threw me a small box with a red bow.

I still didn’t trust her, but I opened it nevertheless. When I did, there was nothing but a silver whistle.

“What exactly is this for?” I asked her, confused.

She reached into her pocket, pulled out one that looked just like it, and then blew…but I didn’t really hear anything.

“Is it a trick—” I stopped midsentence as I was taken aback by the two puppies, one jet black the other snow white, both very excited and making a beeline right to me! “Eliza!”

“Don’t you just love them?” she gushed and giggled…

I had forgotten the only thing that made her like this was dogs.

“The white one is a Great Pyrenees, his name is Achilles, and the black one is a black Russian terrier, her name is Andromeda, but I also call her Droms.”

“In what universe do dogs seem like a good birthday present for me?” I stared at the little beasts now running in circles around my feet.

“This universe! A king needs a dog!”

“This is two dogs. Neither needed because we already have one. Persephone—what happened to that one?”

“That’s Sophia’s dog,” she said, coming to pick them up and hold them to her face, which only made them more excited. “And she is preparing to start her charity tour this summer. Obviously, she’s going to take Persephone…aww, look how sweet they are?” she cooed at the dogs.

“Are you sure this is a gift for me, or did you get them for yourself?” I questioned.

“Your new dad is a little dog shy. But don’t worry. He’ll come to love you both.” She spoke to them as if she did not hear me.

“I don’t need dogs. I have you.” I grinned as her eyes snapped to me angrily. I prepared for her to attack, but instead, she lifted her head and said, “I’m going to tell Odette you are bullying me.”

I scoffed. “You are going to tell on me to my wife? What do you think she’s going to do?”

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp kick at the back of my shin. When I turned, Odette was smiling. “This is what I’m going to do.”

Just like that, they high-fived each other.

“Excuse me, Your Grace!” I snapped at her, rubbing my shin. “You are on the wrong side here!”