“Sorry, sir, I was adjusting the schedule and did not keep time,” he lied, and I knew he lied because every time he did, he touched the back of his head or glanced away.

Odette lifted her head smugly at me.

Iskandar had told me that Wolfgang was a full queen loyalist now, and he wasn’t the only one. Now that my grandmother had returned to Donaè, and my mother had left with my father to Evaebury…she reigned supreme in the palace. And I didn’t mind a bit. If she were comfortable here, then I could be comfortable here. Though I still liked to tease her about it.

“You have them all wrapped around your finger. What did you do to them?” I declared loudly.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” she said, adjusting her pink gloves.

“Really?” My eyebrow rose, and I looked around at the small crowd near us. “Ladies and gentlemen, can anyone tell me how long my wife took to get ready?”

None of them spoke…well…there was always one on my side.

“Four hours and fifteen minutes, sir,” Iskandar said from behind, and I grinned, turning to him. I didn’t know how he knew, but I wasn’t surprised he did.

“My only true supporter.” I lifted my hands to him in thanks, though Odette leaned over, glaring at him.

Iskandar stood straight as always, head lifted, chest out, unmovable.

“Iskandar. I will remember this.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded.

“Let’s go.” She spun on her heels.

I tried not to laugh as I followed behind her into the back of the car. She amused me even when she wasn’t even trying to amuse me. But still, I couldn’t believe she spent so long getting ready.

“Don’t start with me.” She held up her finger before clicking on her seatbelt. “Yes, I changed a couple times, okay? Sue me.”

“I didn’t say anything.” I was grinning like a mad man at her, but I said nothing.

“Your eyes said it. This time of year, it is spring in the winter. I can’t go and look like I don’t pay attention. Not only would the magazines kill me, so would my mother.”


“Spring in the winter?” I questioned, not understanding. “What are you talking about?”

“Every year, the major fashion houses have a central theme for collections. This year it is opposites. Fall in the summer. Summer in the fall. Winter in the spring and spring in the winter. It’s currently winter, so it has been spring,” she stated as if that made any sense whatsoever.

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak Paris fashion.” There were times when she was down to earth, felt like any other normal person. Then there were times when she went full heiress on me, and I just couldn’t keep up. “You really love Paris, don’t you? Did you often go before?”

“That’s an understatement. All the major designers have reserved a seat for my mother and me at Paris Fashion week for the last…I don’t know, fifteen years? I love the city. It always feels magical. And this is the first time I’ll be able to go like this.”

“Like what, a queen?”

“No, like…” She paused and quickly looked out the window as we drove toward the airport.

“Like?” I pushed, wanting to know why she was all smiles and sparkly eyes.

She sighed dramatically. “You are really going to make me say it?”

“Say what? Why are you making a big deal of it?” I really didn’t know what was wrong with her.

“Don’t make a big deal of it.”

“You are making a bigger deal than I am.”

Her eyes narrowed at me, and I waved for her to get on with it.