The moment I got out of the car, I ran as fast as I could through the palace, nearly knocking over the maids as I went.

“Careful, sir!” Balduin yelled from behind me as I left him in the dust. Going up the stairs two by two, then down the hall, taking a left turn, followed by more running down another hall…and the closer I got, the louder I heard her screaming at the top of her lungs.

When I got to the room, completely out of breath, I saw all of her staff waiting patiently outside. I didn’t even wait for them to speak; I busted into the room.

“Have I missed it—”

“Where have you been?” she screamed out at the top of her lungs from on height of the bed, crying, covered in sweat, holding her mother’s hand as her legs were up.

I rushed to the other side of the bed, taking her other hand. “I was on the other side of town. There was traffic. I thought we had a few more days!” I winced as she nearly shattered the bones in my hand with her grip.

“You thought wrong! I’ve been like this for an hour! A fucking hour and they won’t give me drugs!” she screamed so much, I swore I could see a vein.

“I thought you didn’t want drug—”

“I want drugs! I want all the drugs! Make them give them to me! Ah!” She started sobbing while still holding me with her death grip.

“Why is she not getting drugs?” I looked at the doctor between her legs, trying to ignore the pain in my hand.

“Not enough time, Your Majesty. The baby is coming too quickly.” She looked back to Odette, who was now looking at her mother, who was trying to get her to breathe. “Your Grace, you are doing so well—”

“I don’t like you anymore!” Odette yelled at her and started to cry. “It hurts! Oh my God, I thought you said this was quick! Ahh!”

On my knees, I touched her head. “Breathe, okay—”

“I am breathing. Very much breathing. Which is why I know this hurts!” she snapped at me.

“Odette, stay calm—”

“Mom, there is a human ripping through me!”

Both her mother and I flinched first at her voice and the next at her grip. How was it possible that it got tighter?

“Push, Your Grace!” the doctor said to her.

And she did, grunting through it all. I didn’t know what else to do but to just let her break my hand.

“That’s right, Your Grace, push again.”

“I can’t…I can’t!” Odette gasped out, laying back on the pillows.

“Bevilën, you can,” I said, hovering over her, brushing her curls from her face. “You can do this. I know you can. We are there. Come on.”

Her lips quivered, and she sat back up, trying, and I kissed her hand. “Gale, it hurts…”

“I know. I’m sorry,” I whispered, kissing her head.

“That’s right, Your Grace, that’s right, come on. Push. That’s it, push!”

She screamed so loudly that I was sure I’d hear it echo in my dreams later. It felt like she was forever breathing, pushing, screaming, sobbing, and hand crushing before finally…

“That’s it, ma’am!” the doctor exclaimed, and right then, we all heard the tiniest noise. I stared in amazement at the little one that the doctor grabbed hold of.

“Is everything okay?” Odette gasped, nearly collapsing back, but I held on to her, sitting on the side of the bed I held her against. “My baby is okay? Boy or girl?”

“It’s a girl, ma’am,” the doctor announced.

There was a feeling I could not explain in my chest.