“Ah, that?” His voice increased an octave as he crossed one leg over the other. “Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard those crazy conspiracies—”
“Which has me wondering why the government is wasting tax money on crazy conspiracies.”
“Sir, it is for your sake,” he had the audacity to say with a disgusting leer.
“Do explain.”
“Well, sir, as you will not have the queen participate in the new nationalization identification process, there are some who are saying the monarchy believes they are above the law. I figured this would show the public that no one, not even royalty, is above the law.”
That son of a no-good, dirty-bastard whore! The grin on his stupid face, the look in his eye told me this was not for my sake. This was for him.
“This is blackmail,” I sneered.
“Absolutely not.” He was nearly giddy as he watched me. “There are real questions here.”
“Like what?”
“Like, why Sabina met one of your grandmother’s former aides so late at night? Only to die the next morning? Why did the palace rush to send your grandmother back to Donaè Castle the morning after?”
“My grandmother was always meant to go back to Donaè Castle. That is where she’s lived for over twenty years!”
“Why did the palace fire people around her and in the palace? As well as cut spending suddenly? You married a wealthy heiress, and yet you all seem to be hunkering down. Letting people go, changing help and staff at all your properties—”
“I was not aware any of that was a crime! Are we supposed to give Trinity Row a breakdown of our property and family plans?”
“Of course not, sir. It is just these are questions citizens are asking online, and in order to better serve you, I wish to dispel all of these nasty conspiracies as quickly as possible,” he replied, clasping his hands together.
“You know damn well my family has done nothing. You simply wish to drag us through the mud until there is so much dirt everywhere people will start to doubt us. The truth will be irrelevant; all people will remember is the fact that there was an investigation. Even when we are cleared, the stench of it will still haunt us.”
“Sir,” he said calmly. “All I’m seeking to do is show the people that the law is the law, and it applies to everyone.”
Fuck you and fuck your stupid law!
He stood without my permission, adjusting his coat. “If you have any other way to do so, I will gladly be of assistance. I will not be suggesting this to the Attorney General’s office for another week. So we will have one more meeting before then, and we can speak further after you think about it more. Now, if you’ll excuse me, sir, I must be getting back to Trinity Row to hear the vote for today.”
“Of course.” I nodded, rising as well.
He outstretched his hand to me, but I did not give him mine.
Instead, I just glared at his face. “Have a good day, Prime Minister.”
“You too, sir.” He bowed, took a step back, and left.
“Fuck you!” I spat out in disgust.
Dammit, Sabina, why did you have to fucking die?
Even in death, that woman was haunting me. Sometimes I actually forgot she was dead because of how often people brought up her name. For the love of Christ, how did this all become so messed up?
I had no idea what to do.
If I let him investigate, it would make us look bad and feed the trolls who were already online until they spilled onto the streets. If I did what he obviously wanted, I’d be forced to make Odette be the first queen in the country’s history to be subjugated to this disgusting law. I’d be allowing her to be the face of the policy that was currently being debated throughout the country and had citizens divided. It would be the monarchy taking a stand…a stand in line with the prime minister.
I was damned either way!