“Eliza, do you want to know about the wig your brother glued onto his head while we were in Seattle?” I asked her quickly.

“What?” Both Eliza and Elspeth questioned then looked at him

As he glared, I grinned back. “I do not know what she is speaking about,” he lied.

“Really?” My eyebrow lifted. I reached into the pocket of my dress—thank God for them—pulling out my personal phone and not the new one the palace had given me. “Did you really think I did not get evidence?”

“You did not,” he grumbled.

“I did so,” I replied, nodding.

“Let me see!” Eliza squealed, already excited and outstretching her hands.

I unlocked the phone, but before I could give it to her, Sophia spoke beside me, “Miss Wyntor, cell phones are not to be brought to dinner, let alone passed around the table. It is considered very rude here.”

I froze.

Slowly, I brought my hand back down.

“Sophia is correct, Odette. Do not do so again,” Elspeth said gently. “But as you have brought it this time unknowingly, you may show us this evidence during Pašrévaka.”

“Mother”—Gale groaned—“that is not necessary.”

“I shall be the judge of that.” She smirked. “Who knows, maybe I shall like the look on you? If not, I shall get a very good laugh.”

Gale tiredly looked at me with a small smirk on his lips. “And here I thought you cared about me. Now you wish to make me a laughingstock to my own mother.”

“My mom says if you don’t think your parents have been laughing at you your whole life, you either do not have parents or you do not have a life.” I shrugged.

“Mother has definitely laughed at you,” Eliza said to Gale. “Father, I can’t see it. Yelling for sure, but I do not know what you could have ever done to make him laugh outright.”

Elspeth giggled, and we all looked at her. This regal queen had just giggled. She lifted her hand to her lips, composing herself. “You must forgive me. I simply remembered something from your childhood that had your father in tears.”

“What?” Gale asked her.

“When you were a boy, you got stuck in a tree without...without your pants.” She snickered again. “After you were safely down, your father kept asking through his laughter, ‘He had no pants, Elspeth. How did the boy lose his pants?’ He was utterly confused and thoroughly amused.”

My mouth dropped open.

Eliza broke out laughing.

Gale hung his head, shaking it in embarrassment.

Sophia. Well, Sophia just ate quietly.