When we arrived back at the palace, he didn’t speak to the guests, who were still held in the great dining hall. He did not go to his study or chambers. He entered the Chamber of Kings, where all their portraits hung going back over three hundred years. Yet he did not look at them but out the window at the palace gates.


I bowed to the queen as she ran inside with Princess Eliza running in behind her.

“I was just informed of Odette. Thank God—”

“Thank Wolfgang,” he said, not bothering to look at her. “Did you know she was pregnant, Mother?”

“I didn’t. I questioned Gelula, and she said they suspected this morning, but Odette took a test late this afternoon, and it was negative.”

I did my best not to listen, moving to exit.

“I did not dismiss you, Iskandar.” His voice was so sharp it reminded me of Prince Arthur, so I returned to where I was standing.

“Gale, we will figure out what happened, but we need to open the palace for the guests to leave. Gossip is spreading by the minute—”

“No one is leaving, Mother,” he declared, looking at her. “Not until the police and Iskandar get a full account from each of them.”

“Gale, that will take hours. It is better—”

“I am not asking for your permission,” he replied coldly.

Queen Elspeth only stared at him, eyes wide.

“In the event of an emergency, the palace locks down, and the king’s supreme authority determines the course of action. If the king is not present, the Adelaar has that authority. If the Adelaar is not yet of age, there shall be regent. I am of age, so I shall do as I see fit. And I see fit that everyone is questioned—even you. Yes, I know it is not you, but even you will be questioned because I declare everyone will be. After that, then they may leave. They came to the palace to see the monarchy. Now, they shall see one. You and Eliza will stay together—do not eat anything or talk to anyone else until I give the word.”

“What of Sophia?”

“I said you and Eliza for a reason.” He did not clarify further. Then he turned to me. “You start with the kitchen staff and allow the police to do the other guests at dinner. Record their statements before releasing them. If it takes all night, then so be it. If they complain, remind them that at least they aren’t lying intubated in a hospital bed. I do not want to see you until you give me a name.”

“Yes, sir.” I bowed, stepping out into the hall.

Yes, there was a shift.

He was no longer playing the role of the future king.

He was being the king.