There Iskandar was still waiting.

Brother, forgive me.

“Go through all of her correspondence and have her watched from now on.”

“Yes, sir.”

Chapter 25



Everyone was at breakfast, but no one spoke.

The air was tense, so I just nibbled on a piece of toast and kept my head down. I could feel Gale’s glances on me, but I tried to ignore him. I couldn’t talk to him, not when so much was going through my head right now.

I couldn’t be pregnant.

Sure, I’d missed one period, but that isn’t out of the ordinary for me, especially when I am stressed. Besides, what are the odds that just that one time—well, it was twice, but still? I mean, it happens, but...But I am on birth control.

It was just stress.

I sat up straighter. I was confident in my answer, but when I went to grab my glass of juice, one of the butlers moved to clear the table, and it was like I was smacked across the face with a bag of rotten eggs.

“Uhh.” I cringed and pulled away from him, closing my eyes in hopes the smell would run away.


Blinking, I opened my eyes to see everyone else looking at me.

“Is something the matter?” the queen asked, eyebrow raised.

I shook my head. “No, just a slight headache.”

Eliza frowned, leaning in. “You slept all day yesterday. Maybe we should call the doctor—”