I swallowed as she now stood in front of the microphone, and a camera closed in on her face. Just like before, she froze, but this time, I wasn’t there to scream out to her.

“You can do it, Cinderella,” I whispered to myself.

You can do it.

There had to be more than 2,200 people because I felt more like all of the world was on my chest, making it harder to breathe. As I got up to the podium and looked out, it only made my fear worse.

I glanced down at my speech, and I remembered my mother calling it boring. And I remembered the king saying to lean on my strengths or others, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to process all of that. So, I took a deep breath, tried to ignore everything, and just spoke as best as I could.

“I stand before you all now more nervous than I was at my graduation,” I said with a slight smile. “Admitting that is not easy, as I know that currently, members of the palace staff and speechwriters who worked tirelessly to help me prepare are now keeling over with heart attacks as this is not the speech I am supposed to give.”

The few chuckles from the crowd gave me the confidence I needed to keep speaking.

“I am nervous because I am not perfect. As you can clearly see and hear, I am still perfecting my Ersovian. Forgive me for any mishaps. I shall do better in the future. You see, I am still learning, growing, and in the process, I am succeeding and failing at times. At my own graduation, I had hopes and dreams, and I was very confident I would succeed in everything I put my mind to. I only had to work hard. But then, I failed and failed again and failed once more. I failed to the point where I started to wonder what success looked like. We tend to see people only when we are at our best and hide when we feel inadequate. Today, I truly wished to hide because I felt unworthy to speak to you all. So, I did what all young people do when they are scared—I called my mother.”

This time, more than a few people laughed, making me smile more.

“And to my dismay, my mother was not as terrified or worried as I was. She simply told me, either you will fail, or you will not, but either way, you will survive. It sounds wise, but it was not the advice I wanted. So, I spoke to the king, as my father is no longer alive.”

There were a few soft mutters behind me, but I ignored them.

“And he told me that the secret is to lean on your strengths when you can and others when you cannot—also very wise but also did not give me much hope.”

Again, a few snickers.

“So, what was I to do? How was I to give this speech? It was a question that haunted me right until I walked in here. Then I heard a group of you humming a song as you waited to be seated. Music has always been my refuge, so I asked the Duchess of Elmburgh what it was you were humming, and she said the university pledge, which is conveniently on the back of your order service. I found that gave me comfort.” I replied before singing the words.


Oh, I do know what awaits us when we enter.

Oh, I do know what awaits us when we leave.

Here and now is where we stand.

Here and now is what we have.

Glimpses of wisdom,

Echoes of dreams,

Words from our fathers and their fathers,

Hopes from our mothers and their mothers,


I was startled when one by one, they all started to stand. But again, I was reassured as they sang the words with me.


We stand on them so they may stand on us.

I stand beside you so you may lean on me.

Forward together!

Forward together!