He was going to be a king one day. Hell, not even one day. The news said he would be crowned king at the end of this year as his father was abdicating. His mother was now regent, and I was sure there were other rich women in his country he could marry. Women more fit to be his queen. And my goal was to be happy for him, glad that he wasn’t suffering. I was going to hold my head high and not be bitter or hurt by it. It was a fun, and silly time we had together, something I may one day tell my kids or niece about. I would laugh and say, “Did you know I once dated the King of Ersovia?” Of course, they would never believe me, but it was a good story.

I was moving on.

I was going to be a better person.

I wanted to be a happier person.

I was over him.

That’s a lie, the voice in my head said, and I hated that voice. It made my eyes well up and made me feel stupid and pathetic. I didn’t know him that well. I barely spent time with him at all...yet, I cared so freaking much it still hurt.

Was this normal?

It couldn’t be.

What happened to the saying, Out of sight, out of mind?

Ugh! I had to stop thinking about him! I needed to let go. Cut the thread. Rip the bandage. Move on!

And the first step to doing that was divorce. However, for some stupid reason, I had to have the consent of the other party.

This was going to suck. I didn’t want to travel to Ersovia.

That’s a lie.

I had no other way of contacting him.

My mother had been in contact with Arthur before, but after his death, she had no way to contact Gale, either. And I had to hand it to Gale’s brother; he was very efficient. The same night my mother called him to complain about keeping the marriage a secret, he had transferred the amount of she requested, which told me how important it was for him to keep our marriage a secret. It was the only thing he’d asked of me the night before he died. He welcomed me into the family and asked me to keep this secret, so I would. No matter what.

However, that did not mean I had to stay married. I needed Gale to get the divorce papers signed, and the only way to get to Gale was to go to Ersovia. It wasn’t like I could run up to the palace gates and demand to see the Adelaar. However, it wasn’t impossible. That was one of the great things about being an internet heiress—even if it was in name only.

Etheus and Etheus Technologies had seventy-one offices in fifty-two countries. One of them was in Ersovia. The royals were always going to some sort of event or charity. I knew I would be able to use my name and influence to at least get me at the same function as them when I was there. It was not the most in-depth plan, but it could work. The only thing was it made me feel so...desperate. I felt like I was chasing after him, and I hated that feeling. It was like trying to get someone to like you.

“Augusta. Augusta.” I got her attention.


“I’m leaving.”

“What. Why?”

“I have a flight to catch, remember?” I said to her.

“Oh, right. Where are you going?” She rubbed her stomach.

“Europe, for musical stuff, and I have to get going if I do not want to be late,” I lied to her.

Malik stepped forward. “I can drop you at the airport—”

“It’s fine. You can’t possibly leave your baby shower,” I replied and gave Augusta a small hug before heading toward the door.

However, Augusta followed me all along the way. “Odette, I’ve been worried about you lately. You haven’t been yourself ever since you found out I got married.”

“Augusta.” I groaned. I loved how she thought everything was about her sometimes. “I promise it has nothing at all to do with you.”

“You aren’t even a little bit jealous? Well, that is disappointing.” She pouted jokingly.

“Yep, I’m totally jealous. My heart is turning blacker as we speak.”