Chapter 15


I woke up to another letter, no flowers, just a letter my mother had decided to put next to my pillow. And it read:



Dear Odette,

Some say the moon and the sun are at war,

others say they are wed in the sky,

But what if they are neither?

What if they are simply burning and freezing rocks?

Burning and freezing.

What, then, does that say about those who said?

The first poem I ever wrote was this—do not laugh. I know it is not very good. And I do not know why I am sharing it now. I wanted to write to you, but I wasn’t sure what to write. You left me a bit flat-footed, and I am not sure what to make of myself or this situation. So yes, I hope you have a good day.

See what you have done to me?



I smiled for some reason without thinking. When my mind finally come back to me, I put down the letter.

I wasn’t going to give in to him just because of a few lines of poetry. Besides, I had things to do—a concert to prepare for.

No princes.

No more dates.

Just focus, Odette.


Dear Odette,

Since my poetry failed to move you, here is one I read today that reminded me of you.