“Your Highness.”

“Huh?” Lifting my head to him, Iskandar handed the phone to me.

“Your family.”

Brilliant. Exactly what I need this morning.

Drying off my hands, I tossed the cloth onto the edge of the counter before taking the phone.


“Gale!” Eliza’s voice caused me to wince.

I pulled the phone from my ear, and even still, I could hear her clearly.

“Is Odette there? Can I say hello?”

“Can I get a hello first?” I asked.

“Hello, Gale,” she grumbled. “Now, where is Odette?”

“She’s not here. In fact, I have not even seen her yet,” I lied, wandering over to the windows that overlooked the city. “Seattle is a nice city. I can describe the view if you would like.”

“What do you mean you have not seen her? Iskandar informed me that you spent the night talking to one another.” Arty’s voice startled me. They were all gathered for this call this morning as if it were some sort of sport.

“He did, did he?” I turned back to where Iskandar currently cleaned the kitchen despite my explicit request to leave it to me. Apparently, my orders really did not mean a thing to him. “Is he my bodyguard on this little trip or your spy?”

“Both,” Arty replied, and even though Iskandar could clearly hear me, he said nothing, nor did he even bother turning back. “You also burned her kitchen.”

“That just happened!” How in the hell did he already report that? I pinched the bridge of my nose. “And it was not the whole kitchen. It was a pan on top of the stove.”

“Either way, my dear, you need to be careful. Tell her we will refund her the price of the damage. We would not want her to think we are so callous.” My mother’s voice came through this time, and I honestly wanted to fling myself from the window.

“Yes, Mother,” I muttered.

“I hope this is not your effort to sabotage this match,” Arty spoke, and now I was annoyed.

“You know, you are starting to sound more and more like Father with each passing day, Arthur.”

“I’ll take that compliment. The king is a great man.” He snickered.

“Are you all trying to drive me mad this morning? If so, you’re succeeding!” Did they not have better things to do with their time?

“I’m still wondering if my future sister-in-law is there? Can I please say hello?” Eliza’s voice came louder than the rest of them.

“No,” I snapped back at her.


“Because I doubt she will want to start her morning with an overly enthusiastic fangirl.”

“You’re such as—”

“Eliza.” My mother’s tone was a clear warning, and I grinned.

“Thank you, Mother.”

“Do not thank me yet. We have funds available to you there. Do something to make up for this morning, and also, take her somewhere nice. You do not want her to feel you are so dependent on her. You are a prince. Show her the greatness of that.”