“We are doing fine, now, aren’t we?”

“Today doesn’t count.”


“Because...just because,” she grumbled with her eyes closed.

“That’s very clear.”

“Shut up.”

I snickered.

“You’re laughing at me, but I’m serious. You came all the way here, but what if you hate me? More importantly, what if I hate you?”

More importantly. “How about you and I get to know each other more while I’m here.” That was originally my goal, but something had shifted in the last twenty-four hours.

“Get to know each other?” She grimaced against the pillow. “That sounds like dating.”

“Yes, I believe that is what the commoners call it.”

“Dating sucks. It’s too stressful. You’re always trying so hard to make the best first impression or say the right thing.”

“You are very difficult. You know that, right? You will not agree just to get married, but you also dislike dating.”

She smiled, partially asleep. “I know. My mom is always annoyed with me about it. Are you giving up on me already, Your Highness?”

“For the sake of my country and pride, I refuse.”

“Don’t say you weren’t warned,” she whispered, relaxing into the bed. “I’ve come full circle. Thank you. I’m not getting married.”

“Does that mean yes to the dating then?”

“I’m sorry for waking you,” she said instead, gently nestling into the pillow.

“It’s fine, but I doubt you will remember in the morning.”

“I will. I have a high toleran...” And she was sleep. Her chest rose and fell slowly, her curls falling over her face.

When I noticed her dress rising as she shifted on top of the sheets, I got off of the bed, taking the glasses with me. I glanced over my shoulder at her as she moved into the center, shaking my head.

“What am I going to do with you, Cinderella?”