I glanced at my watch on the nightstand, and it was exactly twelve minutes after twelve. I tilted my glass toward her. “Hello, Odette. I am Gale,” I said, and she tapped her glass against mine.

“If this were a fairy tale, I would have gotten here exactly at midnight, but I guess there’s no traffic in Cinderella’s world.”

“Were you aiming to come here by midnight?”

Am I sure I am not dreaming?

“No,” she replied, brushing a curl off her shoulder. “But it occurred to me as I got here that it would have made a fun story.”

“If you want, we’ll just say you did. Who else will know besides me, you, Wolfgang, and Iskandar.”

“My driver.”

“Did he not turn back into a mouse?”

She laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, you are definitely cheesy, and this has definitely been an interesting night.”

“You are telling me?” I scoffed. “I am not sure if I am awake or dreaming—ouch.”

She punched me and had the gall to just smile up at me all innocently. “What? That’s how you prove to someone you aren’t dreaming in this part of the world.”

“I am sure there are better ways.”

“Cold water to the face?”

“I said better.”

Again, she grinned at me and fell back into silence, drinking slowly.

“I was trying to beat around the bush and ask you why it is you are here, drinking wine in bed with me, but it seems that failed, so now I need to be blunt.”

“Be blunt then.”

I thought I was. “Why are you here?”

“Because I’m thinking about saying yes to marrying you, but I can’t get over just how insane it is to marry someone you don’t know, let alone a prince. So, I need you to tell me all the horrible things that would happen if we did get married.”

I had to take a second to detangle that statement. “So, you are trying to sabotage your effort to say yes to marrying me?”

“Exactly.” She lifted her glass.

She is cute. A little strange. But cute.

“Can I save my arguments for the morning?”

“It is the morning.”

“Then how about sunrise?”

“If I go to sleep now, I’m definitely going to disagree with marrying you again.”

She did not need my help, correct?

I rubbed my eyes for a moment. Two hours ago, Odette was declaring she would never marry me. Now she was thinking about it? What happened at that ball? “Why don’t you explain why you are thinking of agreeing, all of a sudden?”

“My reasons are pitiful.”

“I highly doubt they are worse than mine.”