“You are not her white knight! You are a goddamn prince of this nation! When will you get it? She is not leaving him. Why? Because she knows you can never marry her. She’d rather get beaten to a pulp than lose her status as a Lady of Belway. That is not our problem. That is not our fault. If you speak to her or have anything to do with her again, Gale, she will be gone by daybreak. Then I will go for Sabina. Then any other woman you want to test my patience with. One by one, I will find a reason to throw them to some corner of the globe. Do you want to be the reason their lives become worse?”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying what I really wanted to say. “May I go now, Adelaar?

“Gale.” His tone softened as he sat forward. “You are my little brother. I love you, and I want you to be happy. I really do. But there are some lines we cannot cross.”

“So, in other words, I need to be happy within the realm of whatever the crown wants for me...like always. I understand, so once more, may I go?”

We stared each other down before he finally agreed.

“You may go.”

I turned to leave. However, he spoke again.

“You’ll need to pack, of course.”

I stopped right in front of the door. I should have known from his expression that he wasn’t finished with me yet.

“Pack?” I repeated, turning back to see him.

However, he was all of a sudden far too busy signing documents to meet my gaze.

“You wanted to spend some time with her, remember?”

“You are sending me to Sunshine?”

“Sunrise. She was born in Sunrise, Gale, at least get that correct. And no, I am sending you to Seattle, where she currently lives. Before you argue, remember the choice is yours. You or—”

“No need for threats.” I bit the side of my cheek again. “When do I leave?”


He could not be serious! But he was serious, and there was nothing left to say. This was the harshest punishment.

Opening the door, I walked right into...

“Father?” Arthur said from behind me, and I heard the screech of the chair as he rose immediately.

“Gale, what are you doing home?” my father questioned, sizing me up and down, his face stern. “I hope you did not run away again.”


“No, Father,” Arthur called out. “He has the day off, so he came to visit us.”


“Hmm,” he grumbled his disapproval as always. “You should be using that free time to study. Do not think for a moment that just because you’re a prince, they will just wave you through law school. You must set the example and elevate the standard.”

That was his motto. But I’d graduated from law school two years ago.

“I’ve spoken to his professors, and despite his antics, he is actually among the top of his class.” Arty came and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Among the top and at the top are two different things. You cannot always cover for him, Arthur.” He looked back to me, and I was frozen in place, too baffled and shocked by what I saw to speak. “What is the matter with you? You’re strangely quiet. Law has beaten all the buffoonery from you?”

Arty squeezed my shoulder slightly.

“Gale?” my father questioned again, this time, a flash of concern marked his face, and he leaned forward.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I blinked and shook my head. “Huh? Sorry, Father. You know I always take naps during your lectures. I finally managed to do it with my eyes open.”