Chapter 26


“On November 28 at 5:37 a.m. CET, Prince Arthur Fitzwilliam Percival Henry was pronounced dead on the scene at Queen Amasova Airport in Monelrene from injuries he sustained when his aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff, about sixty meters—two hundred feet—from the runway. He survived the initial impact—”

“Stop talking!” This was some sort of mistake. They were wrong. Did they hear what they were saying? How could it be Arthur? “I spoke to my brother just last night! What are you saying? How dare you even joke about this?”

The man took a step closer to me, bowing his head with his hand over his heart. “Adelaar.”

“I said, stop talking! How dare you call me that! There is only one Adelaar, and his name is Prince Arthur, and he is not dead! Iskandar give me my phone!” I demanded, stretching out my hand, but he stood there like he was dumb, deaf, and blind. “I said, give me my fucking phone! I will call him myself! And we will both laugh at how ridiculous you all are! Give me the phone! I said, give me the phone!”

Walking up to Iskandar, I searched in his jacket. My hands shook, or was it my legs or my head? I did not know. I just needed the phone. Grabbing it off him, I dialed. However, there was no line. How could there be no line? The Adelaar always had a line. If it was busy, you would be told.

“Something is wrong with his phone, but believe me, the moment I get a hold of him...” I laughed because this was all crazy. I spoke to him last night. He and I were talking. He was lecturing me as always. Had a full day even gone by?

“Your Highness.”

I looked up to the strange man I did not know who was clearly lying to me. He held out a phone for me. “The Queen—”

I snatched it from him immediately. “Mother! Mother, what is going on? Is this some sort of sick joke? Are you all getting me back? It is not funny. Tell Arthur to get on the phone right now.”

She was silent.

“Mother! This is not true. And I do not want to yell at you, so get Arthur on the line. Please.”

“G-Gale.” A sob broke through.

I shook my head. “No. We are talking about Arthur. I do not care what anyone has told you. It’s Arthur, the health nut, the take a walk twice a day, flosses after every meal, Arthur. He’s not dying any time soon. He’s going to live to be a hundred and twelve. So, for the third time, please put him on the phone, Mother. Please. Please put him on the phone.”

She exhaled once before speaking.

“Gale, you are now the Adelaar. You are the crown prince of a nation, you need...” She fought back a sob. “You need to take a moment and gather yourself. Remember what I told you before you left. We are all looking for someone to save us, but no one will come because we are the people who must do the saving. That is what the monarchy, the crown does—we press on. So the country can, too. I will see you when you return. Be safe. I love you.”

This was not real.

This could not be real. I looked back over to everyone else.