“Gale, you are being dramatic.”

“Really? I vaguely remember you taking Sophia out on hot-air balloon rides, to the opera, scuba diving on a private island, and—”

“Are you sure you vaguely remember, or do you vividly remember?” He grinned into the camera.

“Is that all you take from my statement? My good memory?”

He chuckled. “You are free to do all of those things too, Gale.”

“Am I? What is the fine print?”

“Yes, of course, once you are engaged—”

“That is the fine print! I am not engaged yet, am I? What am I supposed to do to get to that point? Date? How am I supposed to go on those dates when, again, I am locked in here with Captain Funless and Vice Admiral Play-doh.”

Arty laughed so hard he actually had to stop working.

“But why am I Play-doh?” Wolfgang asked from the kitchen, and the fact that he knew he wasn’t Captain Funless was one other reason why he was Play-doh.

“Arty, I know some of the papers are wondering where I am. Please tell them I went skiing with friends in the mountains or something.”

“The problem with that is that all your friends are still in town, also wondering where you are, which is why we are saying nothing at all,” he replied, not at all understanding.

“Then, I don’t know what you want me to do here.” I snapped, annoyed. “I barely even know if she is having fun with me.”


“Hmm? Why hmm?”

He just shrugged, signing one on of the black folders and handing it off to someone not on camera.

“Are you trying to annoy me?”

“Only as hard as you are me.”

“I thought you wanted this, Arty, so why are you making it so hard? I swear it is as if—”


“Fine?” I repeated, not sure if I heard correctly.

“Iskandar, are you there?” he called out instead, and Iskandar stepped up beside me.

“Yes, sir, I am.”

“I know this makes your job harder, but please allow him the space he needs to do...whatever it is he thinks he needs to do. Within reason, of course.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Thank you,” I said, exhaling.



“I’m glad you like her so much,” he stated. And before I could reply, he hung up on me. It was just like him, appearing wherever he wanted, stating what would and should be done, teasing as he did, then hanging up before I could say or request anything else.

“You know what, I’m not even going to complain,” I muttered, tossing the phone back to Iskandar before rushing toward the stairs. “I’m going to shower. Wolfgang, see if we can find somewhere we can go Scuba diving—”