Both of us were silent for some time. He didn’t push me to speak, either.

And I finally felt strong enough to talk about it. “That day, I begged him not to go, but he left anyway. I told my mom that he’d come back. I was so sure he would. But I didn’t see him for months after. He called me, of course, but I didn’t see him until one day he picked me up to spend the weekend with him. I was so excited. But when I got to his house, there was Yvonne and my new baby sister.”

“We’re you jealous?”

I shook my head. “Funnily enough, no. The first time I saw Augusta, I was so happy. I saw her as a doll. But then dinner came around, and when we were all sitting together, I thought of my mom and felt sad for her being by herself at home. I begged to go home early.”

“You were very sensitive. I, on the other hand, was very selfish. I never noticed anyone else was in pain or needed anything until much later in life.”

“I’m sure you cared.”


I laughed. “You couldn’t have been heartless!”

“When I would break something or get in trouble, I would always look at how I could blame Arthur. And he just enabled me by taking the blame.”

“Why do you all do that? You younger siblings are the worst. I feel for your brother now.”

He laughed.

We spoke until after the sun came up. And before I knew it, my eyes felt heavy, and my mind was full of nothing but his voice.

“Go to sleep,” he whispered.

“I’m not sleepy.” I yawned.

“Yes, it definitely sounds that way.”

“Fine. Thank you for talking to me.”

“I did not do it for free.”

“What did you do it for then?”

“Lunch or dinner, either one, it does not matter. Just spend whatever is left of the day with me on a date.”





“Goodbye,” he said back.

“I’m waiting for you to hang up,” I said to him. Why was I having such a hard time hanging up?

“It is rude to hang up on a woman.”


“Oh, dear God.” He gasped suddenly.

“What?” My eyes popped opened.

“My sister forced me to watch a movie like this once. The two of them argued over hanging up for at least three minutes. I became so annoyed, and I said, who acts that way in real life? And my sister said people who like each other.”