“You!” I tried to push him out of my face, but he grabbed my hands, laughing.

“Sorry!” He laughed, holding on to me. “Look how flustered you are. Are you sure you did not feel anything? They say the eyes are the window into the soul.”

“I’m only feeling annoyed,” I snapped, though that wasn’t true.

“Why? Has our loved died?” he teased. “Will the sun never rise?”

“Are you mocking my lyrics?”

“Me? No. Never,” he lied—the nerve of this man.

“Those words are very personal. You can’t just go—”

“Forgive me,” he said quickly. “I was not trying to mock them... They were just so...”

“So, what?”

“Sad,” he replied, his voice fading. “Never listened to it before. I had heard it in passing by my sister, but as I said before, I always called it depressed-siren music.”

“Can I smack you?” I asked seriously. “Because you are definitely going about this flirting thing in the wrong way.”

“Oh, so will you tell me the right way to flirt with you?” His eyebrow rose.

“What I mean is—”

“How dare I insult your music like that?” he asked. “That is what it sounded like, that is what it still sounds like, and I did not realize how stunning it was until now. You are a storyteller with songs. You pulled everyone into your pain and gave them hope at the end. I see why my sister and Wolfgang are part of the Wyntor Nation.”

“Oh, my God, don’t say that! I did not choose the names.”

“I want to know everything about your music. Why you chose those titles, the stories you had for them, why you sing the way you do—everything.” The way his voice had softened and the sincerity on his face made it harder for me to play off his question.

“Why are we always talking about me when we meet?”

“Because every time we talk about me, you start to like me.” And just like that, his ego came back full force.

“Your parents should have named you Kanye with the level of your ego.”

He laughed. “That is not very conventional.”

“And Galahad is a conventional name? What does that mean, anyway?”

“Have you not read Le Morte d’Arthur?” He eyed me as if I was some strange creature.

“As in King Arthur? Of Camelot?”

He nodded. “Galahad was Arthur’s most honorable knight. He was the knight who found the holy grail and ascended into heaven.”

Oh. “King Arthur would be your brother. And you are his most noble knight.”

“And you are the holy grail.” He leered, coming closer to my face. “Can I come to heaven now?”

I couldn’t help it. I broke out into laughter. “I think you are getting less romantic now.”

“Forget the romance. I’m just trying to get you to laugh. I enjoy it when you do.”

He was so blatant. It was hard to ignore him or push him away. I found myself talking and laughing more than I assumed I would, even after our food came. He sat with me and listened to everything I said as if it were the gospel.

It was nice.